
Description of the xlsx and docx format

Dear hashcode, help out! I can't find a description of the above zip-xml formats. I understand that they have become open and ... advance thank you for your feedback. PS: I will not disdain some developments on working with these files in the source code.

C++ documentation [duplicate]

This question has already been answered here: ... es) Closed 5 years ago. Can anyone help me with the c++documentation?

Why do I need in and out in the memory copy function?

I found an example where the function for copying content from one memory area to another takes three arguments: the source m ... number of bytes to copy (param[in]). I don't quite understand the difference between in and out. What are these values for?

Advise a service for generating documentation for Python

I needed to write documentation for an API written in Python (cherrypy). I would like to automate the process as much as poss ... their parameters from the file into a reference html file. Is there such a service? I really don't want to do stupid copying.

Documentation of C# projects in multiple languages in VisualStudio

It is necessary to document all the code in the project, so that when using the method, the studio suggests everything about ... allows you to make the code clean from the docks and fully automate the process (only the doc itself will have to be edited).

Incorrect display of Qt 4.8 documentation

Starting with Qt Creator version 4.2.1 and higher, the documentation for Qt 4.8 looks like this: Everything is fine with t ... oblem? Maybe you can download the corrected documentation files somewhere? Or somehow collect *.qch files via qhelpgenerator?

Generating Vue documentation

The project is built on Vue components. Each component has its own methods, etc. How to write a doc for them using JSDoc? JSD ... m the component in helper.js is there to write to the dock, and then connect the methods to the component (but this is wild)

The best way to add images to the code documentation

The most correct way to add documentation to the code is to place it next to the code. In this case, if the code changes, it ... times you can't do without pictures at all. Please tell me what ways you use to provide your code documentation with images?

How do I write comments on method parameters?

In what form should I write comments to the method parameters, so that when the method is called, these comments are in its tooltip?

Looking for documentation on Angular 2 JavaScript

I'm looking for documentation on Angular 2 JavaScript (not TypeScript). Does anyone have such a resource at hand? Please share it.

Web Tutorial [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... e free and it can be read on the internet online. P.S I need to create a website from scratch! (Maybe even your own engine.)

A common symbol that means " the link leads to another site"

I write documentation for a software product. I want to separate the links leading to another site from the links inside the ... e a general and universal? I suspect that there is some Unicode character, but so far I haven't found anything better than ⎆.

Who makes the TOR?

The organization has a analyst. He agrees to draw up a document describing the requirements from the customer. But he doesn't ... nt). The analyst reports that the programmer must compose the TOR. I am this programmer. And I think something went wrong.

Privacy Policy for the android app (Privacy policy)

I received an email from Google: Hi developers at Starikov Mark, After review, (app name), (app package), has been rem ... e exactly should it be added? When you first launch the app? Somewhere in the settings or in in the "About the App" section?