
Is it possible to integrate PayPal into my website without the user logging in or creating an account?

I was looking and reading about it, but what I see is just put the button pay with PayPal, which requires whoever is buying t ... ample code light? Because I saw that it is possible, but where can I find details of this implementation? Thank you from now

Recurring payment with Cielo webservice 3.0 [closed]

Closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... erro aqui. // os códigos de erro estão todos disponíveis no manual de integração. $error = $e->getCieloError(); }

How to catch the next working day? PHP [duplicate]

this question already has answers here : ... ustomer the date that will be delivered the product. Can anyone help me? I searched a few forums, but found nothing like it.

Inventory control by grouping products of the same type

I am producing a stock control system, but the stock needs to have a grouping system of products with the same SKU, example, ... ving a product with SKU" sk001 "of size" M " do not influence the control of stock the products with SKU" sk001 "of size "G".

Dispose of database products

Need help because I need to have the products I have in my database on the product page. Follows an image to demonstrate where I want to insert