
How to make Visual Studio recognize the 'use strict' directive?

Apparently Visual Studio does not recognize the Directive 'use strict', as I entered the code below that assigns value to a v ... itor". How to make Visual Studio recognize 'use strict' and point out errors in the code, as for example in this case above?

Why are literal objects declared with const in JavaScript currently?

Because of EcmaScript 6 I see examples that declare literal objects with the reserved word const. Code example: // Versão ... ame name by forgetting? PS: the doubt is not about literal objects, but about this practice of using const to declare them.

Array.push () always stacking the last forEach item

I am working on the development of a dynamic table and I am facing problems to create the rows of this table according to the ... Because I understand that if the console is printing in this sequence, then the final result of my array should be the same.

What does this reticence mean in the array? [duplicate]

this question already has an answer here : ... } function getHiddenHTML(el) { return _toArray(el.childNodes).reduce(function(txt, node){ //results });