
EJB. Getting an instance via context. lookup()

There is an EJB component, a servlet, and one library. All of this runs on a single GlassFish server. The library implements ... e "!!! ru. jcup.Datable_294616051", In theory, the cast should work normally, but this does not happen. That is the question.

Error when making a transaction

Hello. I use Tomcat OpenEJB. When calling the method em.persist(myObj);, this error occurs: Javax.ejb.EJBTransactionRolledba ... sks(); tasks.setTask(task); tasks.setEndTime(endDate); tasks.setCategoryId(categoryId); em.persist(tasks); }

What is JBOSS?

I'm reading a book about distributed applications and it occasionally references JBoss. Would you like to know what it consists of and how useful it is?

Email with JavaMail copy

I have a system that sends email, works normally, I want to enter a field to send copy of the email, a CC or BCC. below is an ... ();" action="# {ordensControle.enviaEmail()}" update="outputPanelMail"/> </p:panel> Library used, commons-email

Definition of EJB

Forgive me for the generic subject, but I have been researching for some time in various places and have not found anything t ... JPA to EJB? I've done several applications using Hibernate, which is a JPA framework. Does that mean I used EJB? Thank you!

How to block 2 users on the same screen-JAVA

I need to block the access of 2 people on the same screen, example, two people try to access the registration of a particular ... ng that someone is accessing this registration. Would anyone have any ideas? I work with java, JSF, primefaces and hibernate.

Spring Security with Java EE

Hello, I am developing a Maven Enterprise application EAR project and at the moment I am implementing the authorization part ... </executions> </plugin> </plugins> </build> </project>

EJB project division

I have an EJB project, to do the system deployment the project needs to be divided into 3. the database on a machine the ... ow do I break the project this way? We are using JBOSS EAP 6.3 on both servers, the database separation part is already done.