

I am taking my first steps in Python, and I have a doubt in the IF/else sentence, trying to solve the following exercise: " ... ll last): File "python", line 12 Elif sex = = F or sex = = f: ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax Could you help me? Grateful!

Is it possible to use if else in MySQL queries?

I have been searching the internet and hearing rumors that it is possible to use if else in MySQL queries but I have not seen ... AIS CONCATENAR CONCAT(' É MAE DE ', FILHOS.nome), CONCAT(' E AVO DE ', NETOS.nome) I want to implement something like that.

Exchange elseif code for switch case

I'm having trouble changing a code I made in else if to switch case. I'm not getting the code to work, it gets values and ope ... $result = $num1*$num2; else $result = $num1/$num2; echo "O resultado é: ".$result; } }

Stopped running when I added printf

I made a source code in C, conditional, but when I add a printf function windows reports that the program has stopped running ... f(valor = 1){ resultado = 's'; }else{ resultado = 'n'; } printf("a resposta é:%s", resultado); }

Error using else [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... ; else if (est_civil == 'S' || est_civil == 's'); printf("Solteiro"); else return 0; }

Need help on the 'if and else'structure

I created two structures 'if and else' to make the program write to the user using the plural correctly and as you can see be ... 'metro' if m > 1: d = 'equivalem' else: d = 'equivale' c = m * 100 print(f'{m} {b} {d} a {c} centimetros')

Display the largest and smallest value between two integers when they are different from each other

I am not able to display the values of minor and major. Make an algorithm that reads two numbers and indicates whether th ... ){ printf("O valor maior é %d",V1); } if (V1<V2){ printf("O valor menor é %d", V2); } return(0); system("pause");

Problems with If Else statement chained in C language

I'm starting in programming and had a lot of difficulty understanding if Else in a chained way. I came across the following s ... } } } } } return 0;

How to use sets of" if-else " correctly in C?

I am having a problem in this code in DevC++, because in my view the part of the conditions of if-else is perfectly indented ... deixar, dá um erro "id returned 1 exit status".*/ }else{ print("Nao e possivel formar um triangulo."); } return 0; }

IF, ELSE IF, ELSE or IF IF IF. When to use, what's the difference?

Is a very basic question, but it intrigues me a lot. See the code below: var bola = "redonda"; if(bola == "comestivel") ret ... eber(); else chutar(); That is, the same end can be obtained in both ways. Wouldn't And else if have only semantic effect?

When to use if or else If?

Is a pretty silly thing, but during my writing I came across the following question: When is it really necessary to use if's ... k:</p> @Html.EditorFor(model => model.NomeNotebook, new { htmlAttributes = new { @class = "form-control" } }) }

Code executes a line that should be conditional

I'm doing some college work in C++, and when performing an if / else for a value of totalf equal to or different from 0, it's ... ("\nO valor nao podera ser exibido, favor digitar um valor diferente de 0"); return 0; } Code image and output

Correct use of "goto" with " if else"

I have a doubt about the correct use of "goto", I made a small example that illustrates my doubt: <?php $valor01=10; ... isfied? As it stands the result is as follows: valor01 é maior que valor02 valor02 é maior que valor01 Is this possible?

How to use if inside the for, without the outside if appearing?

printf("\nDigite o usuario que deseja pesquisa, pela Matricula: \n"); gets(strL); busca=atoi(strL); for(i=0; i<quant; i++) ... this case, when I compile both the if inside the for and the outside of the for, and executed, being that only one is true.