
Incorrect mb detect encoding detection

You must select the content of the title tag. I process it using the DOM parser. When I save it and open it in the editor, th ... e Lebedev script returns another (and normally formats it in Cyrillic)? How do I convert this text to Cyrillic in this case?

Encoding of the php script text in the console in Windows

I have a large PHP application running through the console. All files with UTF-8 encoding, instead of echo I use my function ... indows 10, there are no problems with encoding, you don't even need to translate anything. In versions of Windows below-none.

Broken encoding when adding data in Russian to MySQL

When you fill out the database in Russian through the form, question marks are added to the database. Here is a picture of the form - Here is a picture of the result of adding - Tell me how to solve this.

Conversion of UTF8 <> 1251 and the large letter " And"

Take the line " Game!" and we translate into an array of bytes (1). We create a string from this array of bytes, but specify ... tf8AsW1251.getBytes(CS_1251), CS_UTF8) //(3) ); //�?гра! } }

maven-jaxb2-plugin replaces Cyrillic characters in quotation marks with unicode character codes

I use the plugin <groupId>org.jvnet.jaxb2.maven2</groupId> <artifactId>maven-jaxb2-plugin</artifactId> ... oding>UTF-8</encoding> does not change anything in the plugin configuration. Java version: 14. Thank you in advance!

How to translate text from 1251 to utf-8

There is a text Заказ звонка технической поддержки Artemiy decoder says that this is cp125 ... KeyExists(string Key, string Section = null) { return Read(Key, Section).Length > 0; } }

.NET Core 2.0 Encoding.GetEncoding

Hello everyone. I ran into a problem: I need to send a message to the mailbox in the encoding koi8-u(21866). Using the packag ... fectly sent, in .NET Core, alas. How can this be resolved? P. S: such the situation is the same for windows-1252 and others.

When meta charset=utf-8 does not output the string

Hello everyone. I take all files from the folder through scandir(), I get a string in UTF-8. I.e. mb_detect_encoding() output ... content="text/html; charset=utf-8">: Without meta: Screenshot of the array dump and the mb_detect_encoding result():

Encoding text to and from arbitrary binary code. Example: "A" < - > " 01100011"

I need to convert a string, for example "А", to a string of binary code, for example "01100011", then process a bit of binary ... this in Python 3? The question is how in Python to convert a string to binary code and back using any encoding algorithm?

The problem with the encoding of the html message on mail.ru

There is a php script that sends data to the customer's e-mail. I checked the work on Yandex mail and gmail, everything is fi ... mal Russian text is not displayed. I use the phpmailer class for authorization and sending emails. What could be the problem?

MySQL and SET NAMES 'utf8'

In MySQL, a database is created in this way CREATE DATABASE db_name DEFAULT CHARACTER SET 'utf8'; When do I need to perform SET NAMES 'utf8' and why do I need it?

Writing numbers to a Java file

I write the array elements to the file try (FileWriter writer = new FileWriter("C:\\prg1\\Letter.txt", false);) { for( ... er.txt" there are incomprehensible characters instead of numbers. Can you somehow specify the encoding when writing numbers ?

How do I know what encoding should be applied to a file in Intellij Idea?

I had a file in which some of the comments in Russian were displayed normally, some were not recognized: Then the file had ... ments became unreadable: How do I find out what encoding a file should have? I.e., maybe there are some algorithms like:

Text encoding in C# (CP1163)

There is a certain code that gets and outputs the listing from the database (MySQL). I can't overcome one column, where the ... e the received data into cp1251. I tried to specify set names when connecting, but MySQL does not understand this encoding.

Unable to load certificate.pem

Actually, here is such a mistake: /ssl openssl x509 -inform der -in site_ru.crt -out site_ru.pem unable to load certificate ... at the beginning or at the end: /ssl xxd -l 10 site_ru.crt 00000000: 2d2d 2d2d 2d42 4547 494e -----BEGIN

Converting BinnaryFile to byte[] Russian letters are replaced with?

I create a binary file, then create a byte[] and send it to the server. The server logs that the Russian letters are replaced ... ; myBinary.Write(stream.ToArray()); myBinary.Close(); byte[] byteArray = File.ReadAllBytes(@"C:\\file.dat");