
Use PHP variables in PHPMailer HTML email body [duplicate]

this question already has answers here : ... l); I did the check and the three variables receive the content correctly. However it does not display in the body of e-amyl.

Save email outbox

I would like to know if it is possible to save an email in the default email manager (Outlook, live mail, among others) outpu ... ivo := 'c:\emails\email.eml'; IdMessage.SaveToFile(Arquivo); ShellExecute(0, 'open', PChar(Arquivo), '','', SW_SHOWNORMAL);

PHP - Form Submission by email [duplicate]

this question already has answers here : ... host, I tried to emulate a server and I could not run the send action, I would like to know how I do it to work, even]}

I'm trying to send email with HTML and PHP and I can't [closed]

closed . This question needs details or to be clearer and is not currently accepting answers. ... m sucesso!'; } else{ echo 'Houve algum erro no envio. Tente novamente!'; .$mail->ErrorInfo; } }?>

How to send email from localhost using PHP mail function?

I want to send emails from localhost . <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> </head> <body> & ... ttp://php.net/smtp-port smtp_port = 25 ; For Win32 only. ; http://php.net/sendmail-from ;sendmail_from = [email protected]

Limit emails received from the same domain

There are SPAM source verification policies that are based on the amount of emails a given domain is sending per hour. Such p ... ─────────┘ But this limit is for app accounts, and for Gmail? What about the others? Is a storm rising in a glass of water?

How to hide email address

I am making an algorithm that sends emails, I am able to send the emails normally, but I would like to be able to hide the em ... ps://docs.microsoft.com/pt-br/dotnet/api/system.net.mail.mailmessage.bcc?view=netframework-4.8 but I didn't quite understand.

How to send email automatically?

How to send emails automatically using PHP? I have a form that receives several dates and when the deadline is 10 days away, ... me']." - ".$row['email']."\n"; $mail_to = $row['email'].", "; } if (!empty($mail_to)){ sendEmail($mail_to); } ?>

How to send email in C?

I searched on various sites and google, but it always has something with PHP or HTML. How to send an email using C only?

PHP: How is sending email via SMTP without the mail function?

I would like to know what the implementation of sending email with SMTP is like. How is this communion done if the functi ... P independent of libraries. The doubt is more conceptual and is about the reasons for the choices of certain implementations.

Problem with email with embedded image

I am trying to send email with image embedded in text through boundary. In Gmail everything beautiful, as always, but in Ou ... [email protected]","TEste",$msg_body, $mailheaders)){ echo"Mensagem enviada"; } ?> What can I do to solve the problem?

HTML page in email body with Video

Good afternoon, my company automatically sends an html page inside the body of the email, I was asked to add a video inside t ... the Sends are sent this tag is ignored, what method I could use to render a video inside the email and was not sent to SPAM?

How to make a submit by sending data filled in the form to an email?

<div id="mainDiv"> <div id="marca"> <img class="imagens" src="media/img/titulo.png" alt="Titulo"&g ... same as I am doing or with href, which does not solve the problem. I know it's simple but I need one simple thing to finish.

Image I insert into email body using TinyMCE does not appear in email

I'm trying to send an email with one or more images that I uploaded using tinymce textarea, where I write the email to be sen ... e); echo json_encode(array('location' => $filetowrite)); } else { header("HTTP/1.1 500 Server Error"); } ?>

How to code with Email Marketing?

I'm starting with Email Marketing, I've never done it before and I'm facing a world of difficulties. From the tutorials see ... viewing the layout? in the end, who will send is the meta tag of the site in which the end user accesses, right? Thank you!

What is the best way to submit a form?

Good Morning, I need to send the form that is filled, on the page I have several forms and that I just have to send what wi ... t,$email_body,$headers); echo json_encode(array('Mensagem enviada com sucesso')); return true; ?>