
Registration confirmation Email

I made a registration with cpf and email. I have already put to validate the cpf and such, and I can send the email to the us ... rror; } }else{ echo "Erro no envio do e-mail" .$mail->ErrorInfo; }

Creating and configuring email on AWS (SES)

I have an application in PHP and I need an email that will only serve to confirm registrations in my system (no-reply@meudomi ... ist? I'm using PHP's own mail function, it works correctly with SES or it would be need to implement it in a different way?

How to send an email without having to send an attachment?

Hello, I have a question: I made a send email script, but I would like that when sending it the user does not necessarily hav ... viar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { EnviarEmail(); } That's it. Could someone help me? Thanks.

Send base64 image to email

I'm trying to send an email with an image in base64. The html is going but the image is not. An example of how the message i ... d generate a manual html with it is showing the image correctly. I'm trying to send to an account in gmail and to an outlook.

Email sending confirmation?

I need to send emails to my company's customers, but I also need to know if these emails form received successfully. Do you ... e Whats App, that is, when the message is displayed\read would return me something, the Whats App appears two blue scratches.

Sending emails in bulk - PHPMailer

Good Morning! I own an email marketing system and am having trouble performing a newsletter trigger for a large list of cont ... 2; $enviado = $mail->Send(); $mail->ClearAllRecipients(); $mail->ClearAttachments(); }

Web file configuration.Config

I would like to know if I can leave the recipient's email on the web.config, if it gives, How do I deploy. I created a variab ... t;Mensagem: </b>" + mensagem; servicoDeEmail.EnviarEmail(destinatario, assunto, corpoDoEmail); }

How to send a file as an attachment by email without it being automatically renamed?

I am new to sending emails via script and I am facing a problem. I Use Python 3.5. When sending attachments with the followin ... same goes for text and audio files. How do I make the files keep their name and extension when they are sent as attachments?

Email codeigniter SMTP error was encountered: 450 4.7.1

Can you explain to me how I send email from a form by locaweb servers, I have a site of a client hosted on locaweb, but the s ... cted: Access Denied Unable to send email using PHP SMTP. Your server might not be configured to send mail using this method

Error sending email using Hotmail as Commonsmail Java

I am having trouble sending email using Outlook, returning the following error. Erro Sending the email to the following serv ... mail.setSubject(tituloEmail); email.setHtmlMsg(conteudo); email.addTo(destinatario); email.send();

Send email with attachments in php

I'm sending an email, it works fine. Now I wanted to add some files as attachment. I have the following code: $from = $_SES ... pe: text/html; charset=UTF-8" . "\r\n"; mail($email_destino, $subject,$message,$headers); How can I add attachments to it?

How to check if an email has been sent successfully?

I am trying to check if an email sent from my application is sent successfully, intending to know if the recipient receives i ... The truth is, I'm not getting that information... Is there another way to get this information, or is it really impossible?

Send images in the body of the email

I'm trying to send an image in the body of an email. I am assembling my html that goes into the email as follows: <html& ... he image appears normally in the email. Already in gmail the image is going as attachment. What am I doing wrong/forgetting?

put checkbox value in email?

How do I put whether or not the user checked the form check box? Form: <form id="form2" method="post"> <inp ... ); }, }); }); /*When clicking on Full hide fail/success boxes */ $('#name').focus(function() { $('#success').html(''); });

Best practices for sending emails and avoiding spam [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... for sending authenticated email? In short, what are the main rules anti-spam to prevent emails from being scored as spam ?

How to send an email from a website form in HTML?

I have a template of a website in HTML that has a form for e-mail,how do I capture the data filled in the form and send it to ... t" value="Limpar" class="alt" /></li> </ul> </div> </div> </form>

Send email through outlook

I'm trying to send email using outlook, through Delphi7, I used this documentation: Command-line switches to open outlook wi ... rns the message: Unable to start Microsoft Outlook. The command line argument is invalid. Check the options used.

How to make the company logo icon appear in the outlook message box

I have an email trigger code using Zend. $mailTransport = new Zend_Mail_Transport_Smtp($this->smtp_host, $config); $mail ... nly have the initials, such as the free market "ML". How could I customize this in my messages. Is there any API for this?

CakeEmail sends email without message

I'm trying to make a form to send an email. This is sent correctly and with the name of the person, which is inserted in the ... , array('class' => 'btn btn-success')) ?> <?php echo $this->Form->end() ?> </div> </div>

How to use a Hotmail / outlook account to send email in c#

I'm trying to use an account to send email, with my project in c#, using namespace System.Net.Mail, but I can not authenticat ... ent.Send(mail); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); throw ex; } }