
How do I make a 2nd degree equation graph using Python?

I made a code that calculates Bhaskara for myself and was thinking of making this program show the graph of the equation as w ... print("="*20) print("X2=", valor_x2) print("="*20) print("Xv=", valor_xV) print("="*20) print("Yv=", valor_yV) print("="*20)

Plot a graph of the charging and discharging of a capacitor in MATLAB

I need to create a program that shows through the plot the charge and discharge of a capacitor as shown below: Are 3 con ... acitance; R = resistance E = source voltage (example; a 20V Source); I managed to make the load graph through this code:

Calculate the standard deviation of a vector

I am not able to solve the following equation: Here is the Code: #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> int ... ; i++){ p = p + (vetor[i] - media); } sigma = sqrt((p * 1)/10); printf("Resultado d = %.2f\n", sigma); }

Calculate distance between two points by latitude and longitude

I need to calculate the distance in Kilometer (Km) between two points through their latitude and longitude. I did not find an ... 5 Long: -51.1716005 I found ways to calculate them when they are in degrees, but nothing when they are in this formatting.

Solving equations

I created a Cartesian plane and I get from the user any equation. My goal is to plot this equation on the plane. I'm doing th ... / JAVASCRIPT, but I accept PHP or C++ to have as a basis for me to do in javascript (without using framework in any of these)