
ESLint, prettier, and VS Code

After installing the npm packages, install eslint-config-prettier eslint-plugin-prettier prettier lint-staged husky --save-de ... "prettier" ] } In short, the linter does not start.. because I'm crooked) help)..Screen of pacage.json I attached

JavaScript: Using private methods in JavaScript + VSCode + babel-eslint

The problem is that the babel-eslint linter swears at private methods in the classes: Parsing error: This experimental syntax ... -private-methods and @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties, naturally not forgetting to add them in the file .babelrc.json.

ESLint setting in VS Code: tab and end line

There is a bare project created by the Vue CLI, where ESLint does not swear at 2 spaces used as tabs (code-level indentation) ... ar that this is exactly what you need)) If ESLint doesn't have any settings, then tell me another VS Code plugin for Vue.js

What does it mean to run lint in code?

I saw this expression "lint code" in some places, in the IDE of Visual Studio and also when running the NG CLI, the Angular client. What does that mean? What exactly does " lint code " do?