
Problem communicating with esocial webservice

I am having the following problem when communicating with esocial webservice, I am using C# so I added the webservice referen ... ificate chain provided by eSocial.... Could anyone help me ? In case anyone has doubts about the XML signature I can help...

Error https communication with WebService

I am having a problem communicating with the webService of the eSocial , my certificate is correct, but it still can not est ... .SYS in the HTTPS case. This may also have been caused by a security Association mismatch between the client and the server.

eSocialBX: error 402- " invalid request"

I'm trying to consume the query web service to event identifiers, but I get this return: <?xml version="1.0"?> <eS ... use xsd.Exe and svcutil to generate the codes. Has anyone ever gotten this error and knows how to solve or get more details?

Error 400 when sending request to ESocial (C#)

I am receiving error 400 as response when executing SOAP request on esocial servers. The error occurs in this command: using ... teEventos(loteEventosXDoc.Root); wsClient.Close(); } catch (WebException ex) { throw ex; } }

Error 174-the event will only be accepted after the start date of the employer's obligation to eSocial

I would like to know if anyone else gets this error when sending the "S-1000" to the restricted production environment, and h ... </ocorrencias> </processamento> </retornoEvento> </eSocial> </retornoEvento>

Soap Request 403 forbidden [closed]

Closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... everything and always return the same error I can access the url from the browser and the event I'm trying to send is S1000.