
WebServer ESP8266

Need help with creating an html page on ESP8266. On the Internet, I did not find how to do this without connecting to a WiFi ... d, creates such a page without a WiFi connection. Please tell me how this can be done, or where to find information about it?

ESP8266 SPI Write and read to energy independent memory

I'm trying to deal with (addresses) reading and writing to the memory of the ESP8266. Here is the code char copy[1000]; ... eof(copy)); Or int Num = 124; spi_flash_erase_sector(Num); spi_flash_write(Num * 4096, (uint32 *)&copy, sizeof(copy));

Rebooting ESP8266 after getting to ESP8266WebServer

Trying to establish communication between two ESP8266. One is the WebServer, the other is the client. Server code: #include ... /esp8266/hardware/esp8266/2.7.4/cores/esp8266/core_esp8266_main.cpp line 197 How can you get away from this constant reboot?

Captive Portal esp8266

Need help with the project on esp8266. I'm trying to do something like a chat. I combined several examples and wrote an html ... n(); } void loop() { Serial.println(webServer.arg("hh")); dnsServer.processNextRequest(); webServer.handleClient(); }

How to write / read data to an SD card (memory card) micropython esp8266

Hello everyone. I have esp8266mod nodemcu. With Micropython firmware esp8266-20191220-v1. 12. I want to save data from the ... r does not see it either. Maybe there are instructions or code examples somewhere, preferably with both reading and writing.

ESP8266 GET request goes away, but doesn't get a response-error 408

On the esp, a sketch is filled in - a banal sending of the temperature from the sensor to the server. There is no sensor yet, ... If it makes any difference - on the server application core, nginx. Unfortunately, it is not strong in nginx logs.

How to convert int to bytes?

I work with the controller ESP8266 on the firmware MicroPython, I receive data on the bus I2C; to configure the controller, I ... not know how to transform the resulting object of type int into an object of type bytes. How do I do this myself? language?

ESP8266 Internet connection

How do I connect ESP8266 to the global network? I can make it get IP an address and in one Wi-Fi network I can manage it(95% ... ast make it an address from which you can manage it regardless of location. I plan to do all the management with GET requests