
Simple calculator for Android

Hello. I study development for Android, write banal problems (now-a calculator). And so the question actually arose - I forme ... . In scripting languages, I would use something like eval(), but here I stumbled... Help, if you have encountered, please :)

Why do I need eval in php?

I can't understand why eval is needed in php? In what cases is it often used?We need a small example with an explanation.

Why is using "eval" in JavaScript considered unsafe?

In the world of JavaScript developers, there is a well-established phrase: "Eval is evil" (eval is evil) Why and in wh ... thods? If anyone knows what specific threat this method can bring, please describe the situation and provide an example code.

The presence of an analog of python exec in java

Is there a function in Java that is similar to the exec function in Python? I can't find a clear answer anywhere - there is o ... s a piece of code, not a string. For example: exec("a = func()") Assigns the result of the func function to the variable a

Calling one function within the other, via a string

To facilitate the work of the other programmers of the company whose default is not to have default, I created a JavaScript ... ral ways, but have not succeeded. The only way that worked so far was by using eval. But as the JS Bin says: "eval is evil."

Is Eval a good guy or a bad guy?

Speak very poorly of eval, but sometimes I wonder if he really is the problem or is the person who is sitting in front of the ... ere only to show cases where eval was "well received". If there are examples of other languages that use it, you are welcome.

Eval () PHP, usability and context

I was reading some e-commerce extension codes. Normally these modules are paid, but what I was seeing had a 'trial' to try. I ... to do the same procedure for my codes. Edit1: the code snippet was taken from this module here , file IndexController.php.

Using eval () in javascript: what are the pros and cons?

I recently knew this function and was surprised by its power, it was very useful to me, but after using it I heard comments t ... his code I take values from a dynamic table that has columns according to the number of periods and I save them in variables.

Receive an expression and calculate in C

I am developing this little program that should receive an expression from the user and do the calculation. Ex: Enter an ... ion sent by the user. I was recommended to use something like eval, but I did not find anything equivalent in the C language.