
Universal link(Android) open in local expo go app

I have react native app which uses expo.I created assetlinks.json file which work fine for production mode, but i cant make i ... ion'; console.log(Application.applicationId) Which log host.exp.exponent after publishing json i Tested and its dont work

How to integrate a game element into the expo+react-native app

There is a task to integrate the game screen into the business application, which is written in expo+react-native. The logic ... react-game-kit library, but so far the process is moving poorly, and I wrote here in the hope of finding additional ideas.

Push notifications with Expo and React Native

I'm developing an App that needs to notify the user, I'm using Expo and React Native to develop Following the Expo documentat ... title="Notificar" onPress={Appl()} /> </View> ); } Of course I've tried other ways but none works.

How to authenticate user using their Google account in an app built with Expo (React Native)?

I am developing an app with PHP on the backend and react native on the mobile frontend. The app already has a web frontend wr ... Expo as on the web? or, how to use access_token to access profile information, such as name, email and avatar at the Expo?

React Native application does not connect to Node server.js on my laptop

I'm developing an app in React Native, using expo. I have a Node API.js running on my MacBook. Both my mobile when laptop a ... wall of the machine - I checked if the router configuration 'AP isolation' was enabled, and it was not. - among other things.

How to run an Expokit project on a Mobile / Emulator for development?

I had a project Made In Expo, but I ejected it using Expokit, which creates the folders / android and / ios, I can generate t ... to run a project on My Mobile / Emulator for development? Follows the image with the error after react-native run-android:

Error executing expo commands in powershell

I'm risking in React Native and it happens that when I try to run the command expo init, or even expo --version through Power ... pond to commands! * Excuse me, my first time in the community and starting in this wonderful art that is to be a programmer!