
Register via the Facebook button. Android.

How can I register a user using the Facebook button to read the entered data and send it to the server? Here the user will e ... ow can I send a request after APIService.doSignUp(String username, String password) with the data that the user entered.

Is it possible to create a facebook event through the Graph API?

I tried searching in a few places but without success or the content is old. Here's the question: I am developing an app and would like to know if it is possible to create a facebook event through the Graph API or Android SDK?

Facebook API-pulling posts with HashTag

I am having to apply the Facebook API on a website, pulling the posts from a page, I would like to know, if there is any way ... +"/posts?" + "access_token="+token+"" + "&limit="+limite+"&"+campos+"&callback=?";

How to receive Facebook username? Graph API

Hi, guys. How to get a facebook user's id, and their name using Graph api? I can only get the id of the messages, using send ... ing message: ', error); } else if (response.body.error) { console.log('Error: ', response.body.error); } });

How to create an app on Facebook to share posts on the social network

I want to put a sharing option in an application of mine and I noticed that addThis has an app on Facebook for this type of a ... e or less like this: Google + has an api to share posts within the page even using Javascript, does Facebook have that too?

Facebook Api does not return date of birth

I am using Facebook api to login and grab some user data like first name, last name etc. function apilogin() { console.log( ... ould like to know if it is necessary some configuration in the application, or if it is lack of a syntax specifies at least.

Graph facebook with comments counter no longer works

{Facebook facebook [3]} I created a function in PHP that summed up the number of comments made on Facebook and wordpress to s ... ion now is I don't know how to get to the part I want, that is the "comment_count". Could you give me some strength, please?

How to publish to a Facebook page using the PHP SDK (5.0)?

Facebook facebook page I am developing an application to schedule publications from time to time for my Facebook page, I can ... the profile of the page (I do not want to publish links, I want to publish only images with caption). Could anyone help me?

Return facebook user ID

Facebook Facebook username How do I get through an input field informing my Facebook username, return my Facebook user number (id)? Case Input: http://www.facebook.com/usuario Output: $profile= '4559875758'; echo Prof profile;

Facebook sharing API

I have a responsive system, where I created a webview for android and ios with this system to use it as an application. Until ... .facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); });

Open Facebook in browser

I created an app for Facebook that, in short, at a certain time it uploads a photo to the visitor's album, and then I use var ... wser itself in use? If you have any other idea how to monitor if the window is closed, it would also be interesting to know.

Facebook Open Graph Image

I have the social plugin on a certain website, and every day the thumbnail images (Open Graph Image) are changed. Every day ... e the website on Facebook the image was updated so that Facebook updates The Open Graph Image. How to automate this process?

Error loading Facebook PHP SDK URL while logging in

My login function is thus in Laravel public function loginFacebook(){ $fb = new Facebook([ 'app_id' => 'xxxx ... RL, add all the domains and subdomains to the application Domains field in the application settings. What may be occurring?

OpenGraph's og:image metatag does not pick up the link-specific image

I have the following snippet of code, but facebook is randomly picking up another image that is not part of the specific link ... 6242223397117"> All other information appears perfectly, just does not pick up the image specified in the link og:image.