
Is it possible to create a facebook event through the Graph API?

I tried searching in a few places but without success or the content is old. Here's the question: I am developing an app and would like to know if it is possible to create a facebook event through the Graph API or Android SDK?

Error saving Facebook profile picture via PHP SDK

Good afternoon! I am using Facebook SDK to login to my website, I am able to return the data including the profile photo lin ... return $return; } note: using this same code with the url of an image from another location works perfectly.

Facebook Facebook Logout - how to unlink the person from Facebook

The Login part is OK. I had to add a " Aren't you x? Click here to log in with another account " that calls the following fu ... ut but it does not explain how I do to unlink the person actually from Facebook so that they can log in with another account.

How to publish to a Facebook page using the PHP SDK (5.0)?

Facebook facebook page I am developing an application to schedule publications from time to time for my Facebook page, I can ... the profile of the page (I do not want to publish links, I want to publish only images with caption). Could anyone help me?

Facebook sharing API

I have a responsive system, where I created a webview for android and ios with this system to use it as an application. Until ... .facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); });

URL has been identified as malicious and / or abusive Facebook API [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... ist two weeks ago and is already in the mal intensified. I searched on forums, on facebook and so far found nothing about it.

PHP: Facebook lets me post on my feed but other users can't on theirs

I am creating a Facebook post system. I created an app and put it as an audience. Through the application I ask for the follo ... do Perfil $params = Array que contem `message` com a mensagem do post $token = token do usuário gerado I'm using SDK v.2.8

Error loading Facebook PHP SDK URL while logging in

My login function is thus in Laravel public function loginFacebook(){ $fb = new Facebook([ 'app_id' => 'xxxx ... RL, add all the domains and subdomains to the application Domains field in the application settings. What may be occurring?

Paste layer Facebook API SDK JS

I'm trying to grab the Facebook cover of the logged in user, but I'm not having success. FB.login(function(response){ if(res ... t in Doc. Or I read wrong. FB.api('/'+idUser+'/?fields=cover', function(resp){ console.log(resp); return false; });