
Logging out of your account in the app using the "Log in via Facebook" button does not work correctly. What to do(see the description and code)?

Facebook Instagram API: This question is intended for those who already have even minimal experience with the Instagram API, ... reboot code to the exit method that is built into the button, how do I do this? Using recursion? Which ones exactly actions?)

Register via the Facebook button. Android.

How can I register a user using the Facebook button to read the entered data and send it to the server? Here the user will e ... ow can I send a request after APIService.doSignUp(String username, String password) with the data that the user entered.

How do I configure the Android app to work with the Facebook SDK?

How do I connect the Facebook SDK to my app? How to register an app on https://developers.facebook.com ? How do I get started with the Facebook SDK?