
Cross-correlation normalization

Good time of day! I'm trying to write a program to find a pattern in a signal. The signal is intermittent, quasi-stationary. ... he question is actually how to properly normalize the resulting maximum? P.S. if necessary, I can give the source code code.

Question on two-dimensional Fourier transform via fft2 in Python

I solve a two-dimensional stationary diffraction equation using the two-dimensional Fourier transform. I do it in Python usin ... ction (before taking the inverse Fourier). There may be some additional phase. I will be grateful for any help and hints.

Audio signal FFT (C++ and SFML)

I have a question about the FFT of the audio signal. I want to draw a graph based on the audio signal. But I'm not good at th ... raw a shape based on this data? so the samples need to be pre-processed before taking them for the coordinates of the points?

Fast Fourier transform. How do I select the frequency of a note?

Interested in implementing note selection and signal recognition based on notes. So if you take a piano, record the sound of ... lus of the complex number, and the argument is its phase. Here is a little not clear how to select the frequency of the note?

Fast Fourier transform, how to work with complex numbers if there are none

using System.Numerics; namespace BPF { public static class danie { public static Complex[] X; public ... ch (Complex complex in danie.FastPFurie) chart1.Series[0].Points.AddXY(complex.Real, complex.Imaginary); }