
Sending a Firebase Cloud Messaging push notification not from the console

I tried to attach FCM to my Android application, but it partially worked out - when creating a notification in the Firebase c ... t, the application receives, but there is no push notification. Because of what my requests do not appear push notifications?

Authorization in React + Firebase

Hello everyone I'm starting to learn ReactJS. And in one of the test projects, I encountered a problem with the authorization ... ; } </div> ) } export default withFirebaseAuth({ providers, firebaseAppAuth, })(Auth)

Why does the programmatically created Dynamic Link not appear in the Firebase console?

If you create a Dynamic Link in the Firebase console itself, it will be displayed in the Dynamic Links tab. Accordingly, you ... created Dynamic Link is displayed in this console? Well, or at least somehow find out the same information programmatically?

How do I fix "E/RecyclerView: No adapter attached; skipping layout"?

I have a problem the code gives this error and, as a result, does not draw anything on the screen: E/RecyclerView: No adapter ... @Override public void onCancelled(@NonNull DatabaseError error) { } }); } }

How do I initialize the API Key for a web application in firebase?

I created a project in Firebase Console, added an application package. Downloaded the google-services.json file. I need to ge ... PI для этого проекта.". What's the matter, what steps do I need to perform to get the value of "Ключ API для веб-приложения"?

How to upload a link to a video in firebase and back otabject a video from the link

I tried sending the link using EditText. But I have this link returned as text and I need it to open the link to the video.

Firebase Web Push: How to add your own sound?

I'm just getting started with firebase. When I made the app, I placed my sounds in the /res/raw folder and then push came wit ... owser. How do I make my own sound there? And another question: is it possible to play the sound when the user is on the site?

web-push notifications with firebase cloud messaging

In general, the question is probably somewhat general, but nevertheless, someone can tell you. About a month ago, I screwed u ... explain where the FCM jambs are, where the browser jambs are, where mine are, and how reliable the web push is for sending.

Working with google Maps

In a conversation with one of the developers, he told me the "plot": There is a static recyclerview with many categories ... . I am just starting to delve into working with maps, so I will be extremely happy to use any useful resources and examples.

Sending Firebase push notifications via the PHP form

There is a working code, but I would like to fasten the fill-in form for sending. I tried it, the pushs supposedly go away, ... => 1 ) ), ); foreach ($fieldsIos as $value) { sendNotificationsIOS($value); } } ?>

Problem with Google SigIn when re-logging into Firebase

I'm having a little problem logging into FirebaseUsing Google SigIn. The issue is that I am managing to log in with this m ... l) { mDataBase.removeEventListener(customValueEventListener); } super.onDestroy(); } }

Authentication with Facebook and Google in Firebase-Android Studio

I am developing an Android app, with Android Studio, using Firebase initially for user authentication. The code is quite ex ... lease explain in which file would be the modification, the Facebook tutorial is kind of vague about it. I appreciate it now.

Automatic Firebase synchronization

Hello, I will create this question because I have read several Firebase documents and I have not achieved anything so far. Fi ... better ? Or if someone has already done this kind of synchronization and if they can help, it would be rewarding. Thank you.

ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'push' of null

I am trying to push to a list and the following error is occurring: ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'push' of null ... log(error) } } I have already tried to remove from the declaration the null, then generates another error as undefined.

FCM Token (google) associate with the user, at what time?

An app that has User Registration and Login, consequently an ID for each user. When is the FCM Token generated ? I implemen ... o associate... I ask this, because if it is generated before the user signs up, how do I associate the Token with the user ?

How to get data from Firebase and insert it into a TextView?

I need to define the client data in a TextView. I tried setting the email but it didn't work as the return is null. public c ... @Override public void onCancelled(DatabaseError databaseError) { } }; } }

Android development recovering firebase data

Hello guys I come again after answers, I have a bank in firebase that has some movies and series and even tv shows, I wanted ... ancelled(DatabaseError databaseError) { progressDialog.dismiss(); } }); progressDialog.hide(); }

GoogleMaps and Firebase in real time - does not show the points

I'm following the tutorial that shows how to connect Firebase with GoogleMaps in real time and shows the points of the click ... /api/js?key=minhaKey&libraries=visualization&callback=initMap"> </script> </body> </html>

Using Google AdMob

I'm using Google admob to place ads in my app, but I have some doubts Can I use the same ad block (id) for multiple activi ... new AdRequest.Builder().build()); } } For now the ad is only loaded after the bank (firebase) I want just the opposite

Android Studio-Firebase-search and edit data

I am creating an app using Android Studio, which stores customer information in Firebase : I need to create a way to search ... necessary to change something, so I wanted to know if anyone can give any tips or know some interesting tutorial for this..