
How to enable Firebase persistence offline

I'm having trouble enabling Firebase offline data persistence in my app. The problem is the following, I have an auxiliary cl ... uracaoFirebase class and call via getDatabase, I have tried to put in the method oncreate and in both I did not succeed, the

Firebase registration confirmation Email

I am trying to use sendEmailVerification() method of Firebase after user registration through Login by email. My problem is ... FirebaseUser user = auth.getCurrentUser(); user.sendEmailVerification() Does anyone know why this is happening to me?

Authentication issue with Firebase

I'm using Firebase for authentication and database of my app, everything was perfectly fine until (I'll talk exactly what hap ... h = FirebaseAuth.getInstance; //Ao clicar no botão de registrar auth.createUserWithEmailAndPassword(email, password){ }

error share png image (which I take from firebase) and put in an imageview

The following happens. I have a share button, when I try to share an image from inside my drawable, beauty it will, now when ... at

Update Without where

How to increment only child period of all students enrolled in Firebase? Ex.: in SQL, I would use: UPDATE alunos SET periodo = periodo + 1 Updating all students for their later period. How can I do in Firebase?

Error with icon, vibration and sound in notification

I am developing an app that receives notifications from firebase, I am able to receive notifications quietly when the applica ... .play(); }catch (Exception e){ } notificationManager.notify(0 /* ID of notification */, mNotification); } }

FlatList does not render data when launching the application-Firebase integration

Good Afternoon folks, I was studying the React Native Firebase library in order to learn how to work with a Firebase integrat ... It should be noted that I am new to the FrameWork and this is one of my first posts here, so forgive any mistake I have made.

Place profile photo in Nav Header

I have a question about creating an App. I need to put the user's profile picture on my Nav_Header_Tela_Princial. I alr ... View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { search(); } });

Is it possible to get the firebase user by UID?

Doubt consists of the following problem: I have a project using firebase and ionic 3. I am using email authentication mode, ... "error" : "Invalid path: Invalid token in path"↵}↵", status: 400, ok: false, statusText: "Bad Request", headers: Headers, …}

How to get the UID of currentUser in firebase in flutter?

After splashscreen I check if the currentUser is null, if not I redirect it to my Home, the problem is that the UID of this u ... ogging in whenever I close the app. Verification code FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser != null ? HomeScreen() : Login(),

How to configure admin user and common user in Firebase

I have a web system that will be used by two different types of users, the administrator and the common. There are some opti ... ' user type'. I have read the firebase documentation and there is no reference to this in the firebase documentation itself.

Convert Varchar to Int or Int to Varchar (SQL Procedure)

In the procedure exitem two fields (Cod_Fabricante (VARCHAR) and Codigo_Fabricante (INT)), a Varchar and an Int, when I make ... _AQUISICAO, :INATIVO, :SERVICO, :DIFER_ICMS, :GRUPO, :UNIDADE, :ENTRADAS, :SAIDAS , :NCM DO BEGIN SUSPEND; END END

Firebase only works on Unity Editor and on pC does not work on Android

Can anyone tell me, what's going wrong? It works only in Unity Editor. When buildo for android, it doesn't work, but it doesn ... erificationAsync().ContinueWith(t => { Debug.Log("Verifique o seu e-mail"); }); }); }

Authentication with google plus on Ionic

I am trying to create a login with google plus in ionic 4 on the android platform, but it is always coming back an error [10] ... Console", err); }); } Whenever I try to log in, it returns an error '10', but I haven't figured out what's missing yet.

how to wait for a finished method to execute the next in angular?

Well, I'm doing an Angular course, I'm trying to understand the concept of Observables and Promisses, but I'm a little confus ... note: the methods are called in the component where I do the two-way data binding with the form using a 'onSubmit ' method'

Infinite Loop when retrieving and writing data to Firebase

I'm a beginner on Android and had a problem retrieving a Firebase data and recording again, I know the reason for the infinit ... eate a flag, it worked, but when the app is closed and opened, the flag returns as true and allows the user to vote again...

Use Firebase in SPA project

I need help with good practices in using Firebasein a project SPA, in my case Angular. I am doing a development course wi ... t safe to use the client's direct connection to Firebase or do I need to develop a middleware to mediate this communication?

Sort by date does not work - Firestore

Hello, I have a variable in the database that contains the date in format "dd/MM/yyyy", when I try to use the orderby of a qu ... 100);, where field is a value stored in the database and that is not changed here, field here is the date value (dd/MM/yyyy)

Move an image from an activity to main screen

How can I pass an image from one activity to another actiivity? I have an image on my settings screen, I want to send it to ... going to get the key ("image") in the other activity, with me grab texts and send a setText(). How to do this with image?

How do I upload multiple images automatically to Firebase Storage - Android Studio

I am developing an app, this app the user can already choose multiple images, but I am not able to upload the chosen images a ... sh(); } }); AlertDialog dialog = builder.create();; } }