
Firebird SQL exclusive mode check

The Firebird DBMS has an exclusive mode (shutdown), in which only the administrator can connect to the database, and no more ... rnal stored procedure - if the database is not in exclusive mode to throw an exception. Is it possible, and if Yes, then how?

How can I use input in an anonymous block(execute block) in the Firebird DBMS?

There are several scripts, One main one that should call another script depending on the condition. Main.sql execute bloc ... ng or end of the file outside the anonymous block, it will be executed. Failure to wrap it in an "execute statement" failed.

FireBird-insert multiple rows in a single query

Is it possible in FireBird 2.5.4 to use a query like: insert into SYNONYM (ID_EW1, ID_SYNONYM) values (33, 1), (44, 2) T ... lar appeared during this time, but I did not find anything like this in the documentation, except for the use of "UNION ALL"

How to calculate the discount?

Hello everyone. There are 3 tables - Discounts(Discount), Clients (Clients) and Orders (Orders) Discount id_discount count_ ... higher, then there is a discount of 1.5%, if 10 and higher, then 2.5%. Otherwise, there is no discount. Thank you in advance

Connecting to the firebird database via visual studio

Tell me, what driver is needed to work with this database ? None of the standard drivers accepts it An error occurs when creating the EDM model

How to convert dates in varchar to date in SQL 'Firebird'?

Is there any way to convert dates in varchar to date ? I am having difficulty performing searches between dates, due to thi ... m TAB_FATURAMENTO where cd_cliente like '%' and CAST(TAB_FATURAMENTO.dt_item as DATE) between '15/05/2017' and '31/05/2017';

SQL query with duplicate items

I have this situation and I don't know why it happens. When I pass this SQL command the items shown comes duplicated. What sh ... WHERE (T1.DATA_CADASTRO <= T2.DATA_SISTEMA-14)

Which database is ideal for my scenario?

I am developing a commercial automation system (C# and Windows Forms) that can be installed on one or more machines on the sa ... n ordinary user to carry out the installation. Should I have any other concerns about how the system works? Firebird really?

How does the blob field work?

Hello, directly asking, How does this type of field work? I know there are three types: BLOB = 64KB, MEDIUMBLOB = 16MB ... NOT NULL ); But how does it work in practice, in the database it presents Size 80, what is this 80 and how does it expand?

Using the case SQL Firebird statement

I'm trying to do the following sql in firebird. select distinct tb_proostarefas.*, (case WHEN (tb_proostarefas.dt_prev i ... ng error: Invalid token. Dynamic SQL Error. SQL error code = -104. Token unknown - line 3, column 83. ). How can I solve?

How to optimize Firebird 3?

Someone who works with Firebird 3, knows what exactly how to optimize SGDB to be more efficient? So far I have done some test ... te I realized that optimization from version 2.5 to 3.0 was more in the issue of remote banks, where there is a compression.

How to open a file.fdb?

I need to open a database file (.fdb), but I don't know how. What should I do to open this file? In it there is a list that I want to pass to Excel.

Take tabulation (tab) from varchar

Good afternoon guys! I'm trying every way, but I can't get a tab at the end of a varchar in firebird. Does anyone know how to ... io, nome, matricula The result: 142 | 1 | Nome do paciente | 111222 | 6 142 | 1 | Nome do paciente | 111222 | 10

How to perform statistical fashion in SQL?

Work for a telephone charging system company, all calls generated by the central (PABX) are charged by the system and stored ... his same query look to calculate the statistical fashion, that is, the value that most appeared in the cadcha table records.

Tool for Firebird - which ones

What would be the most used software for firebird database management, if possible, show me free and paid options.

What is the difference in using GDS32.dll's fbclient.DLL, and enter the extension.fdb e. GDB on Firebird?

Speaking of SGDB Firebird, when using the GDS32.dll Library, out compatibility with banks created by Interbase, are there oth ... ces when using fbclient.dll? Is there a difference between creating banks with the extension .fdb instead of using the .GDB?

Trigger to update modification date date in firebird

I have a client table with the fields of Registration date of the registry and Registration modification date would anyone ... E.DATA_MODIFICACAO = current_date where TB_CLIENTE.CODIGO = ????; end Where ???? is a parameter that I can't put correctly.

Select with expression "different from" with two conditions

I would like to know if there is any way to make a select using a where for a field with the parameter other than < >, ... t (codes: 0, 2, 20 and 21). Therefore, I would like to bring in this query all the other items, except the items in the list.

Error:" connection rejected by remote interface " using Firebird 3 em.Net

I have an application in, which currently uses firebird 2.5.1 and it works normally. I am testing version 3.0 Releas ... an be the provider for .NET that still it was not updated to the new version, or if it can be something wrong that I am do.

Protect firebird database

Good Morning guys, I'm developing a system in C# WinFormswith the database in firebird 3that will work in internal network ... ill have access to the entire structure, including the data. How could I do to add an extra level of security to my database?