
position: fixed doesn't work in Google Chrome and Opera

I can't position the tooltip in any browser except FireFox. I'm trying to style a tooltip - title with the tooltip class: ... itioned and is displayed directly below the element that the cursor is hovering over. Please help me fix this jamb. Thanks!

Fixed header closes part of the content

There is a fixed header (at the top of the screen) with a height of 40px. But it covers up some of the content. How do I fix ... </div><!-- /.navbar-collapse --> </div><!-- /.container-fluid --> </nav> </header>

Fixed die in the sitbar

Dear experts! The site has 2 columns - content and sitebar. The sitbar has a floating die that is immediately attached to the ... when to replace position with absolute or static. I also tried to implement it via offset and scrollTop, but it also failed.