
Creating a 3D Flash game

Good time of day. I want to create a game like TempleRun, also for mobile phones, Android mostly. So, is there any suggestion ... learn the process of creating 3D games like this + knowledge of what programming languages are needed? Thank you in advance.

Allow SWF video to upload local files

When running on dextop, swf sometimes does not read the files (for example, xml) that are loaded during its execution. Moreov ... 2 ways: Give file permissions (how?) Via the System class (using AS 3.0) But I didn't find out exactly how. Please help me

Differences between Action Script and Flash

Explain the difference between these two languages, which one is used where?

Is there a torrent client on flash or is it possible to implement this?

Is there a torrent client on flash or is it possible to implement this?

Adobe Flash CS4: slows down the filter

Help when using the glow filter on the 4 rectangles and the motion twin to make them flicker. Terribly slows down this effect. I can't figure out if it's slowing down because it's so hard for him to handle it, or if I'm doing something wrong.

The swf file does not start. How to fix it?

I tried dragging this file into the chrome window, but it just downloaded again. Flash version 32... If someone needs http://test.generaltanks.com/. I need it for this.

I can't install Windows 10 via the flash bootloader (Linux OS)

Good people! I urgently need your help! Right now I'm on Manjaro Linux OS and I need to install Windows 10 on the base (don't ... end! I don't know what to do! It can't identify the disks that are marked up for Linux? What? Need help as soon as possible!

Help me understand what is the problem with HTML Flash

There is a <embed> block on the site. I copied it to myself and everything works fine. <div> <embed hei ... e" allowscriptaccess="always" style="height: 335.156px; width: 551.823px;"> </div> Please help me.

What tools are best used to create 2d graphics and animations for unity?

You need to make 2D graphics for the game under unity. The question arose, which tool is best suited for this. Of course, ... animation. What to choose? 2 day Google swarm and in the ru segment of information about this is quite straight even little.

How to make an HTML5 banner for AdRiver?

There is an animated banner made in Adobe Flash. Task: to adapt the HTML5 version of the banner for AdRiver, here are the req ... scratch in some other software specialized for creating HTML banners (Google Web Designer, probably)? Thank you in advance)

JavaFX vs Silverligth vs Flash vs HTML5 [closed]

Closed. It is impossible to give an objective answer to this question . Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... e time in vain, studying the technology that has no real future market success. Please, when answering, justify your opinion.

A bot for playing Flash Player in Python

There is an online game in the Flash Player, play it through the browser window. The game is simple - depending on the images ... sily circumvented, adding random movements. So, is this a working approach? Maybe someone has information\guide about this?

Nodejs or flash solution for live video streaming!

Hello, I have posted several messages on the subject but I still did not get a definitive solution, I need to do streamingLi ... ernet !!! Anyone ??? I accept a suggestion in Flash (Action script) also, I found nothing about streaming video in flash...

Has ActionScript become useless?

With the advent of HTML5 and CSS3, is it correct to state that the language ActionScript used in applications Flash has become a "dead" language or has it been leveraged in some other Adobe application?

How to enable Flash Player in browser via Javascript?

Is there any way to enable Flash Player via Javascript in the browser like in this link ?

Is it possible to recompile a decompiled flash game with Sothink SWF Decompiler or JPEXS free Flash Decompiler?

I have a lot of games in the format swf, but I want to recompile to swf in Adobe Flash CS6. The problem is that they are in A ... e Flash CS6, as it generates a small size of less than 500kb with syntax errors. If anyone can answer I'll be very grateful.

How to run a flash file (.swf) on one page ASP.NET?

I have an application ASP.NET WebForms and want to know how to run a flash file (.swf), in a one-page div ASP.NET.

Filling Flash objects with solid colors and textures

I have been a Java programdor for a while and now I am creating a kind of Flash Coloring Book based on this video . Today t ... how to fill through a texture? I need that instead of colors in the palette there are textures and it works the same way:

Enable Flash Player with JUnit

Good afternoon. I'm trying to enable Adobe Flash Player in Chrome Headless, but I can't. Follow My Code: public class tes ... ng HashMap, but when I try to use it, it doesn't recognize it at all. Can you help me out of kindness? I appreciate it now.

Transparency of a SWF with wmode = transparent does not work in Firefox [closed]

Closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... <param name="salign" value="" /> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" /> <!--[if !IE]>-->