
Fluent NHibernate-one-for-many composite key mapping

I'm having a problem mapping an entity by the Fluent NHibernate. I have a 1-N relationship with the two tables in the bank ... essoDep])) must have same number of columns as the referenced primary key (user, CodEmp, Subsidiary]) How can I solve?

NHibernate composite key fluent mapping with firebird bank

Guys I'm having trouble mapping composite primary key using fluent nhibernate. I have the following Class: public class No ... E:\VisualCSharp\Projects\TreinamentoNHibernate\TreinamentoNHibernate.Data \ SessionFactory\SessionFactoryUtil.cs: line 46

How to use fluent nhibernate properly?

One problem I have encountered due to inexperience with this type of tool is how to use lazy load without interfering with th ... , pv.Produto.Valor, pv.Total, pv.Cortesia ); } }