
Footer does not track site layout and is not responsive

Guys, good afternoon. I'm having trouble leaving the footer responsive, it doesn't track the page. Can you help through this ... tp://">Google+</a></li> </ul> </div> </footer>

Create new PDF from existing PDF with PHP

I am with a project that I need to add header/footer / watermark, dynamically on existing PDF files, through PHP language. I ... y I thought it would turn the existing PDF into HTML and ai turn that HTML into a new PDF with the header/footer / watermark.

Footer at the end of the document

I'm trying to leave the footer at the end of the document, but it sits at the end of the page I'm viewing, thus disrupting sy ... ntention is to leave it at the bottom of the page, when I scroll the scrollbar to the end, then it would appear in the end.

how do I make a footer that is always below all elements

Hello, learning to create sites and I came across a problem when I was formatting the footer, it was not exactly below my pag ... educacional, direitos de imagens são marcas registradas de seus repectivos donos</p> </footer> </body>