
Get value from input

Hi! You need to get the value of the filled field: var mailData = $("input.for-mail").val(); If the value is filled in manua ... the inspector, the entered value is not written to value at all for some reason). How do I get the data entered in the input?

Adding data to the database via the form

I enter the data in the database through the form. I.e., in one file I create a form for input, and use the $_POST method to ... Информация в базу добавлена успешно."; } else echo "<br>Информация в базу не добавлена."; mysqli_close($link); ?>

JS Authorization Form

How do I make an authorization form? With one login field, you press enter, the password field appears instead of the login f ... el> <label class="hide">Password: <input type="password" name="password" /></label> </form>

Simulate a search form

I can't imitate the search form. That is, visually it should be displayed as a search form "Search" but when you click on it, ... hat this is a search form, but in fact it is a link. Who does not bother to throw pliz code and CSS. I would be very grateful

Make a search form in Microsoft Access 2016

Access has never worked before. I was faced with the task of making a search form by last name, first name, patronymic or pho ... is this. Create a ribbon form, drop the input field and the search button on this form. Tell me. How can I do such a search?

jQuery-submit forms after preventDefault

There is such a code, I check the existence of the entered value in the database via ajax: $(".cu_process").on('submit', fun ... se is executed, but the line $(this).unbind('submit').submit(); does not work, is there any way to continue sending the form?

The feedback form doesn't work

Hello! There is a landing page on the test domain so far http://elenadva.beget.tech/ At the moment, the feedback form does no ... $("#fields").hide(); } else {result = msg;} $('#note').html(result); } }); return false; }); });

translation of the google recapcha label

On the site(on yii), I enabled a captcha from Google. Captcha caption: I'm not a robot. By default, in English, since I did n ... If it automatically detects, then by what language, system (computer), or language in the browser? Thank you in advance!

How to install the tabular part of the document on its form in 1C 8.3

I have a question of the following nature. In 1c 8.3, I need to do the following. I have a document "Class" (in kindergarten) ... blem at all? I would like more detailed answers because I am a teapot in 1c 8.3 and I am grateful in advance for the answers.

thank you page

Hello everyone, this is a problem I found a cool script for the feedback form here it is: Styles <style> #feedback-f ... the page any for example blago.html please help me php and js I'm just starting to learn, thank you all in advance for help.