
Action form HTML

Guys, I recently got a question when I reviewed some forms on web sites. I'll be very direct. Because some HTML Forms in som ... ly thing I imagined that would benefit me would be if a user disabled javascript then no communication would be established,

From select to input

As in a form with a field select when option = outro would always change to a input? How to do? <form action=""> & ... /option> <option value="outro">outro</option> </select> </div> </form>

Send selected record from a P: dataTable to form, JSF primefaces

Hello, I'm new here, and I'm migrating from Struts 1 to JSF. I am developing in JSF a user registration screen. I would like ... astro}" /> </p:column> </p:dataTable> </h:form> </h:body> Thank you, folks

What is O. em for?

I'm starting in Django and making some changes to code already written by someone. I noticed that in the Form instead of th ... ype="submit" value="Submit"> </form> The action attribute has a dot, why? <form action="." method="post">

Create a textarea with text editing options

I need to put a textarea where the person can edit the text. Ex: choose font size, apply bold, change text color, add photos ... g with text (one paragraph, 1 Photo, Plus one paragraph, 2 photos). Can anyone help me to have a light of how to start doing?

Fix double click buttons with JQuery

I am performing maintenance on a site with several forms with submit buttons and also normal buttons that call an onclick eve ... t's great the site) and go putting this disable function one by one. What should I change to the above code work as I asked?

textarea with notebook lines style

I need to make a form for printing that could be typed in the browser or printed for writing. As can be written on the print ... gt; </html> So far what I did was the form above, but I need to replace the lines with textarea to be fillable.

How to align form fields in HTML

Hi, I'm developing a form in HTML. I would like to know how I can align the text boxes to fill? <html> ... <input type="reset" ="cancelar"> </table> </form> </body> </html>

How to use the pattern attribute?

I have already turned over the internet, even in W3school, and I only see them informing the code "ready". With keys, interro ... , bars, cipher and various other parameters. But I found nothing explaining how to use these parameters, what are they for?

Interactive form in HTML and PHP

I'm with an activity and I'm stuck on this question: Create a program in PHP, where the form has options of choices of geom ... elect> <br><br> <input type="submit" value="Calcular"> </form> </body> </html>

PHP form is not sending the email

I have the following HTML Code: <form action="send-mail.php" method="post"> <div class="templatemo_form"> ... r após o envio do form. ?> He does everything right but the email is not enough. Can anyone tell me what could be wrong?

Link to link on phone numbers

I have a form where various user information is registered, including phone numbers and, once registered, you can view the re ... ;/div> </div> I tried the same href and it was like this: Can anyone give me an idea of how to do this?

How to drag some objects and forms in VBA / Excel and prevent others from dragging?

I am having difficulty trying to control the "drag forms" and "drag objects" in VBA/Excel. For example: I have the main form ... have certain objects that I need to move in it (images, e.g.), and then I want to go back to the main form. How do I do it?

How to save an image of a form to the bank

In my form, the user puts your order information and an image for reference, however, this image is not being saved along wit ... e is not working. This is the first time I've tried to save an image, so if something is absurdly wrong, point it at me. :)

Find and copy row from sheet to form, change fields, and write to same sheet with new ID

My question is the following: I developed a VBA form with 20 fields, which makes the registration in the BDados sheet, also e ... etFocus End If End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Me.LBL_NR = Folha2.Range("a65536").End(xlUp).Row End Sub

How to refresh a form in access?

I'm trying to make a refresh to a form, avoiding to close it to to open it, and I thought about this function. However, to ... Public Fuction (f As a String) Forms(f).Recalc Forms(f).Refresh Forms(f).Repaint End Function

Email PHPMailer to Hotmail

I am not able to send an email from the form to my Hotmail email. Below are the codes: Form with the data to be sent. < ... echo 'Erro ao enviar e-mail: '.$mail->ErrorInfo; }else{ echo 'E-mail enviado'; } Error returned:

Css in inputs using Affordance principles

To facilitate the development of responsive forms it is very common to put 100% width in the inputs, and control its size thr ... iest, affordance is impaired. If we do all the inputs customized for your content, the maintenance would be very complicated.

PHP delete values from form if successful

I would like the values of this form to be deleted if the form is submitted successfully, everything is ok (does not delete) ... error) { $this->_errors[] = $error; } public function errors() { return $this->_errors; }

Display ID in form before registering php and mysql

I'm doing a registration screen, only I wanted the system to already display the ID (id_entity) that will be registered. Whe ... ocuments, alas if I click yes, it goes to a new doc registration form that when saving in the database has to take id_entity