
Where to enter gnu fortran (MinGW) compiler commands) + CodeBlocks

I study Fortran from the book "Chapman: Fortran 95/2003 for Scientists and Engineers, Third Edition". In chapter 6 (about arr ... o check the output of the array boundary in the compiler) I use the Code Blocks + MinGW environment ( GNU Fortran Compller).

Method of finding roots of a function in Fortran

I have created a code that uses 3 methods to determine the roots of a function, the direct method of kicking x values, the Ne ... x**2.d0)-18.d0*x-5.d0 end function df end program raizes I would like a suggestion to solve this dos while problem.

How to create a tridiagonal array in Python?

Hello, I would like to know how to write a tridiagonal Matrix NxN. I have three vectors that will be updated in a loop. I'm ... nge(1,n+1): i = 1 D = npm.zeros((n,n)) I suspect the error is in: D = npm.zeros((n,n)) But how could I rewrite that?

Fortran code adaptation for python [RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in double scalars]

I tried adapting the following code in Fortran to python: PROGRAM Escape_tent IMPLICIT NONE ! Declare local variables INTEG ... 'nan'. I would like to know what is happening, because in fortran it normally runs on the python I have this problem. Thanks.

What is the Fortran language for? [closed]

closed . This question needs details or to be clearer and is not currently accepting answers. ... On what occasions, in the present day, is the Fortran language used? What is your strength and purpose?