
Scaling android images

I need to place a picture on the screen, and on top of it more pictures (and text). For this I use FrameLayout. The problem o ... XY" android:scaleX="1" app:srcCompat="@drawable/back1" /> </FrameLayout> `

GoogleMaps path rendering and FrameLayout

I ran into a problem related to building a path between two points, I use 1 activity and 4 frames, 1 of them is decorated wit ... } finally { iStream.close(); urlConnection.disconnect(); } return data; } }

FrameLayout with gravity=center?

Hello everyone Let's say I have a FrameLayout in which all View should be in the center. Which attribute FrameLayout will set all View to the center? So far, I set all child elements to android:layout_gravity="center" Is this the only way?