
How to patch KDE2 under FreeBSD?

How to patch KDE2 under FreeBSD?

What is smoke test and what is it eaten with?

What is a smoke test? Google gave only a brief formulation, but I would like to have specific examples, literature, etc. How ... r-version ), and after checking the performance of such a manpage, we can say that this utility passed the smoke test or not.

FreeBSD 10.3 and Internet access for a separate local machine (IPFW setup)

Colleagues, hello. The task is to release only certain computers to the network. Rebuilt the kernel with the following para ... re it on a clean FreeBSD 8 - everything worked. And on the 10th, only any to any works, and only one PC can not be released.

How to properly configure ipfw for a web server

FreeBSD 10.1, nginx, php 5.6? mysql 5.6, then there will be a mail server, joomla 3.4 is behind the router in which 22, 80,11 ... in via ae0 Apr 28 01:47:50 passat kernel: ipfw: 10000 Deny UDP ip_dns_сервера:53 in via ae0