
Help the teapot understand an example from functional programming

Dear community, I have to turn to you for help, please do not judge strictly, I am studying Python. At the beginning of the s ... nt statement... A code: def increment(a): return a + 1 print(increment(1)) Outputs the value (which is generally true).

k-th ordinal statistics

You need to find all k-th ordinal statistics in the range from k1 to k2 inclusive . The input is the size of the array n k1 a ... т, но не корректно работает на отрезке от 1 до 3 Не могу понять что не правильно сделал помогите уже 3-ий день сижу над этим

Find neighbors in a matrix without using loops, logical operators, assignment operators

In a given two-dimensional array, find the values of the neighbors for each element. For example, the array: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... onal programming: recursion, and/or, map, reduce, zip, etc. BUT without using loops, logical operators, assignment operators.

Lua functional programming

Can someone help you how to redo the code, under the functional programming paradigm local function main() print("Введит ... ость больше") else print("Последовательности равны") end end end main()

What are the differences between findFirst and findAny in Java 8?

I don't really understand the difference between findFirst() and findAny() in the Java Stream API. I thought that findFirst ... and Stream.of(...).findAny() Then they both return the first element of the stream. Why? Are they both doing the same task?