
Always in the gallery the last post after the loop in html | Angular 8 | @ngx-gallery/core

There is a list of posts that are successfully loaded from the database when the page loads. Each post has its own array of p ... ll loads the photos from the last post to view in full mode. I get the gallery from the last post. What am I doing wrong?

Modx Gallery Upload Event

Hello everyone There is a website on modx. I use the Gallery and PhpThumbOn plugins. I want to connect webp images to the sit ... r which event should I use if it's already built in? I didn't find anything about Events in the gallery documentation Thanks!

How can I display the latest image from MODx Revo Gallery without specifying the album number?

The catch is that the - album parameter is required. And you need to display the last uploaded image in general, regardless o ... ageWidth=`1024` &imageHeight=`900` &limit=`1` ]] How do I redo it to make it work?

Gallery on jquery

Hello. I need to make a gallery in which the picture is first stretched in width, and then in length. Help me to make the im ... " id="img" width="200px" /> <img class="photo" src="03.jpg" alt="картинка" id="img" width="200px" /> </p>

How do I change the preview layout from horizontal to vertical in Fotorama 4?

How to change the location of the preview to vertical (left preview, right photo). <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang ... rc=""></script> </body> </html>

Set the thumbnail size in the ACF gallery

I Use Advanced Custom Fields. This is the code that outputs the gallery. <div class="slider-1_wrapp" id="slid ... ; Set thumbnail size? You need to reduce them and crop them according to the layout when loading images of different sizes.