
Difference between epics and features

In Visual Studio Team Services you can organize the backlog into epics, features and User stories . For each epic, a set ... e: Mobile faviting Epic: Continuous improvement Feature: Botify the wordoo service Feature: Improve performance

How to make the initial budget of a software project?

Context: I was "educated" in the methodology of the Unified Process. I know Agile is very popular these days, but I have ver ... g a proposal for free, and what are the minimum parameters that I need to collect before saying: "from here, only paying me".

What is Backlog?

I was Reading about the term backlog, but I didn't quite understand what it would be about Scrum. Because, according to thi ... log? What Is Sprint Backlog? what is the influence of the Backlog in relation to a project in which it is using the Scrum?

When to use Waterfall and when to use Scrum?

Is there a clear way to determine when a software development project should be conducted using a Waterfall Methodology or using Scrum? What criteria should be observed for choosing one or the other?