
Equal sign in Ruby method definition

I came across the following method definitions and would like to know the difference between the first definition and the sec ... sh self[:nome] = { |b| b[1] }.join(' ') else self[:nome] = novo_nome end end end

Getters and Setters methods [duplicate]

this question already has answers here : ... arning from get and set , but wondering if this is default / required, or, if I can change (if I want to) without problems?

Set and Get difference in Object-Oriented Programming [duplicate]

this question already has answers here : ... Closed for 3 years. What is the basic difference of set and get in Object-Oriented Programming?

Why use getters and setters in classes? [duplicate]

this question already has answers here : ... o use setters or getters like this: void setMoney (float val) { money = val; } float getMoney () { return money; }

Why use get and set in Java?

I learned in college a while ago that I should always use getters and setters to access values in an object and I heard that ... ple: pessoa.getNome(); //acessando uma variavel privada com get pessoa.nome; //acessando uma variavel publica diretamente

Setting and using @property

Good afternoon, I am starting to study about object orientation and I am not able to understand very well about what function ... the moment it is a way to replace the 'get' and 'set', but I could not understand what makes it better than 'get' and 'set'.

How to split the addressing of a class in PHP?

How best to divide this Aluno? <?php class Aluno{ private $nome; private $sobrenome; private ... en I model something like this, do you have any specific technique to separate correctly or will it depend on the programmer?

Can Getters and Setters only "walk" together?

I am studying object orientation and I am having some doubts in the encapsulation part. For example: Class Url { priva ... se I could just "build it" in the constructor? Example: public function __construct ($url) { $this->url = $url; }

Are Getters and Setters mandatory or facilitators?

I've been reading some Java books lately, but there's a part that makes me confused about this kind of accessor methods - get ... of getName() the compiler does not declare syntax error and fulfills the same function, only changes the name of the method.