
Help me figure out how to send it.gif or url c.gif telebot / python / telegram library

Help send the user a small gif + text lg.hello7u, after clicking lg.rbtn5u. There is a gif url, also C:\Test\x1, but it is n ... _width=1, resize_keyboard=True) rkbu4.add(lg.rbtn5u) #End keyboard kbsu = trkm(True, True, row_width=1) kbsu.add(lg.rbtn1u)

How to add gif to label pyqt5

I want to add gif.gif animation to label. If you set it as pixmap, then nothing happens. How do I add gif.gif to a regular la ... import sys app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) window = ExampleApp() sys.exit(app.exec_())

how to insert gif in html?

Hello everyone, please tell me how to make such a block with the help of bustrap? Left and right gif images. Can you advise me how best to use the img tag or set them as background?

How to make a background in the form of a gif in tkinter? So that the animation and all other widgets are visible

from tkinter import * from PIL import ImageTk,Image root=Tk() canvas=Canvas(root,width=300,height=160) image=ImageTk.PhotoImage("Ricardo.gif")) canvas.create_image(0,0,anchor=NW,image=image) canvas.pack() root.mainloop()

Excel doesn't open the png link

I add a link to .png or .gif image located on the local disk. When you click on the cell with the link, an error is displayed ... n is how to fix this problem, I assume you need to register something in the registry, but where and what is not in the know.

Creating a video from images to the server (PHP)

Hello. There was a task to create a Gif on the server from ordinary images (jpg). The problem was solved using the php librar ... from which the video gif was created, so that instead of showing this video to the user. How can this be implemented in PHP?

How do I launch gifs on click or hover?

Please help me do this on my wordpress site (, so that the gifs are launched on click or hover. I myself am ... ng for a week. Ideally, I would like something like as here!

How do I create a GIF image from a part of a video? [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... t. Please tell me, maybe there are some ready-made libraries/solutions ( php, javascript) or the solution principle itself.

How to split a video into frames in Python and make an animated gif?

Which python libraries can help you solve two different, unrelated problems: A piece of video is divided into frames. Make an animated gif.

How to save a gif image from a Vkontakte post to the server? PHP

How to save for example this .gif image to your server? ...'; $path = 'image.gif'; file_put_contents($path, file_get_contents($url));

How to insert animated gif in pygame

Good afternoon, I'm doing a college job, it's a python game and I need to insert a gif in the code but when I use the command ... .init() x = 352 y = 500 velocidade = 15 fundo = pygame.image.load("fundo_pista.png") homem = pygame.image.load("correr.gif")

GIF in python from an existing vector

Hello! I want to make a GIF from data of a certain vector. The solutions for such that I found, serve when the vector is popu ... say this because in one of my attempts, I got only the graph with all the points, rather than a frame for each concatenate.

How to pause or play the animation of a GIF in JavaScript? [duplicate]

this question already has answers here : ... o.onpause = stopGifAnimation; audio.onplay = startGifAnimation; Is it possible to do this only with pure JavaScript ?