
HTTP Status 406 - Not Acceptable

There are three servers, all of which have the same application installed . There is a request that returns json. On two of t ... erterMethodProcessor.writeWithMessageConverters( Spring, GlassFish server 4

EJB. Getting an instance via context. lookup()

There is an EJB component, a servlet, and one library. All of this runs on a single GlassFish server. The library implements ... e "!!! ru. jcup.Datable_294616051", In theory, the cast should work normally, but this does not happen. That is the question.

Problem with glassfish-web.xml

I have a problem with passing Russian characters from a form to another page. It looks like this: оÐ"Ð". All pages are UTF-8 ... gt; <glassfish-web-app> <parameter-encoding default-charset="UTF-8"/> </glassfish-web-app>

Differences between Java application servers

I would like to know what are the main differences between the GlassFish, JBoss and Apache Tomcat application servers. Is the ... performance and safety between them? The main difference I found during a search was that Apache Tomcat is not EJB server...

Lost GlassFish admin password

I lost my Glassfish admin account password, How Should I proceed? To update the password I need the old password, which I lost. Do you have how to directly mess with the files to reset?

This web container has not yet been started

My Java web application, using Hibernate, published on a GlassFish Server and using MySQL database published in Hostgator is ... error happens very little, but in my production base, it is recurring. Please, if anyone can help me. Thank you very much

WELD-001408: Unsatisfied dependencies for Type ServiceLocator with qualifiers @Default

I have been trying to implement a JAX-RS server (Jersey) with DataSource, I have already migrated from Tomcat to GlassFish, a ... r-java</artifactId> <version>5.1.37</version> </dependency> </dependencies>

Https over-redirection problem

On my web system, when I add the code on the web.xml: <security-constraint> <display-name>ConstraintSSL</ ... ;/transport-guarantee> </user-data-constraint> The system gets redirected in excess, can anyone help me?

Xms, Xmx, XX: MaxPermSize, XX: PermSize - what's the difference?

I need to improve the performance and availability of my Glassfish application server which from time to time causes the appl ... rence between these parameters, what the purpose of each, so that I can decide correctly which values to set in each of them.

Error accessing Webcam.js-Error: Webcam is not loaded yet

I am getting this error when accessing Webcam.js Error: Webcam is not loaded yet I'm already using secure connection ... ) { ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } }

How to automatically create specific files via Maven to deploy each container?

I am working on a very complex JEE project, which involves the possibility of deploying the application to each client in a d ... l for Tomcat type containers? Remembering that there are two types of application, purely WEB (client), EAR (client+agents).