
How do I make a transparent background in a shader?

Good day to all, I'm just starting my way in WebGL, threejs, fragment / vertex shader'ah and faced with such a problem: Ther ... th transparent background I tried running the example on codepen, but whether the texture doesn't load, or something else...

Where can I download the latest version of OpenGL and GLSL? [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... question Please provide a link to the C++ source files and the build (.dll, .lib).

Learning OpenGL4, what are shaders? I have a couple of questions

I started learning OpenGL4 from this site. And in the lesson that follows th ... via GLSL. Then it will all work well through the CPU? In short, I can work directly with the video card through the shaders?

Splitting the plane by the type of Voronoi diagram

Looking for an algorithm similar to the Voronoi diagram, which also, using a set of given points, splits the plane only into ... gles (polygons). Of course, you can, for example, "attach" the Delaunay triangulation, but maybe there is something simpler?

Remove the fish eye effect

There is a video from an action camera that uses a fish-eye effect when recording. The area that should be rectangular has a ... la for calculating the old pixel coordinates from the coordinate in the result image. Other view graphic transformation. ...

Send two knobs to a vertex shader. OpenGL, C++, GLSL

I'm learning at the Faculty of graphic processing with OpenGL in C++. We are using the GLFW and GLEW libraries. My program co ... Program, "model"); // Pass them to the shaders glUniformMatrix4fv(modelLoc, 1, GL_FALSE, glm::value_ptr(model)); }