
SMTP-multiple recipients when sending from Gmail, even the BCC doesn't reach you

Unable to send to multiple recipients email from Gmail. Reading this is and this is, I tried both options - add a hidden cop ... [email protected], [email protected]", the message is listed as sent, all addresses are parsed, but no recipient receives anything.

How do I find out who sent me an email?

You need to create a function that will go to Google Mail and give me the mail from which I received the letters. I can't sol ... ogin({login},{password})'inbox') Here I use information input blocks, and in this function I use them.

How do I make sure that if I enter my username and password incorrectly, it says "Invalid username or password"?

This is python Here is the code: import smtplib def check(): user = input("Login: ") password = input("Password: " ... _SSL(url, 465) server.login(user, password) def main(): check() if __name__ == "__main__": main() Thanks!

Signature for Gmail in HTML format

I'm trying to create a signature on Gmail, in html format. But for some reason, when sending a message, the signature is disp ... риант подписи</div> Instead of a square with text, the text is displayed: I will be grateful for an explanation.

How do I set up an SMTP server for mass mailing of emails? [closed]

Closed. This question should be specified . Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... ays to do without transactional email? Or maybe it is somehow possible to make your decision using a pool of IP addresses?

Reading emails from gmail: Invalid credentials (Failure)

In python, I'm trying to read gmail mail: import imaplib mail = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL('', 993) mail.login('mail', ... b'[AUTHENTICATIONFAILED] Invalid credentials (Failure)' I enabled Imap access in the settings: What could be the problem?

I do not receive email via PHPMailer

I am using PHPMailer to send message via form, but it is not working. I wonder where I'm going wrong. Remembering that the em ... $error)) echo $error; ?> Folder hierarchy: TECMOV - css/ - fonts/ - images/ - js/ - phpmailer/ - index.php - mail.php

Problems with HTML images sent to email

I did several tests using an image with absolute path. Inside the intranet works perfectly, but on the extranet (GMAIL / OUTLOOK) does not work at all. Can anyone help?

Error sending email in gmail with PHPmailer

I use this code a long time and it worked very well until now it just does not work anymore, neither with outlook nor with gm ... ctional. In the case I think it is problem in gmail and outlook that do not allow more, because it worked and simply stopped.

PHPmailer + gmail

I am using the latest version of PHPMailer to fire Email using my Gmail account, this application runs locally, below my code ... iler/PHPMailer/wiki/Troubleshooting What else can I try? PS: allow less secure apps is already marked as enabled in Gmail

Buga Email signature in Gmail

I created an email signature in HTML, in Thunderbird it works, but in Gmail it buga, it seems not to interpret css. <html ... 9</a> / <a>(71)9655-7318</a></h5> </li> </ul> </body> </html>

Sending email with Arduino

I am not able to connect correctly with gmail smtp server, it says "Username and Password not accepted", but my email and pas ... ling, my serial says: If there is another way to send email by arduino, my intention is only that arduino send me an email.