
google maps can't find a place by coordinates

You need to find the nearest address using the coordinates in google maps ... var geo2 = geo.geocode({ location: {lat: 44.832359, lng: 34.337244} }, function(results, status) {console.log(results)});

How do I get the coordinates of the center of the displayed Google map?

When a page loads, a marker appears on the map after the geolocation is determined (html5). Task: after it appears, when dragging the map, it must always be in the center (i.e. the map is dragged, and this marker remains in the center all the time).

Get the name of the country and city by latitude and longitude (Google Maps API)

How can I use the Google Maps API to find out the name of a country and city by latitude and longitude?

How to find out the coordinates of the corners of the visibility zone of the Google maps api map

The problem is that there are over 999999 markers on the map, you need to pull from the base only those that are in the field ... o I get the coordinates of the angles of the visibility zone? Google api looked, there is nothing suitable. Working with js.

Translation of LatLng coordinates(longitude, latitude) to a rectangular coordinate system(meters.)

When working with the Google Maps API for Android, coordinates are given in longitude and latitude values. You need to translate these values into meters. Are there any libraries for this, so as not to reinvent the wheel? I write in Java.

How do I send the coordinates to Google Maps correctly?

I'm trying to geocode the address of the adr variable into coordinates with longitude and width and display the placemark on ... arker(new MarkerOptions().position(sydney).title("Marker")); mMap.moveCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLng(sydney)); }}`

How do I get directions using Google Maps on iOS?

Good afternoon! I integrated google maps into my app and plot a route from point to point on the map. On the map, the route i ... the line is drawn straight( How do I make the line draw more accurately, that is, on the road, and not on top of the houses?

Android Google Map. Replace the icon of your location.

How can I replace the blue radar icon with an orange one? The screenshot below shows two icons, one of mine, which I fasten ... geolocation, but this is not enough for me, I want to replace it somehow beautifully. Can you tell me how this can be done?

How do I set my own icon design in google maps using html features?

Hello. In Google Maps, you can put your own marker instead of the standard one. To do this, you need to specify the url to y ... do I make it so that instead of a standard marker, I don't set an image, but my own HTML code, where there will be anything?

How to remove the original markers in GoogleMaps

I want to remove the icon display from the map. Styling via the GoogleMaps Wizard is not suitable, since the map is not stati ... there are some errors in the code or you need to rewrite it in a different way? These icons are What is in the code now -

Google Maps with auto language selection

There is a site, how to make it so that if a user goes to a site with an extension he was shown a map in English, ... ; var beachMarker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: myLatLng, map: map, icon: image }); }

Google map android sdk optimal route between many points

I'm making an android app there comes an array of objects (10-30 pieces) on the Google map and you need to display them on th ... between these objects. I haven't worked with Google map before and I can't find an example or a description of how to do it.

From geographical coordinates to local coordinates

Description: There are coordinates of objects in the format returned by the Google Api. That is, latitude, longitude, etc. ... tion of objects in meters in local coordinates (meters). However, I couldn't find how this is implemented in gps navigators.

How to make a dictionary generator?

The task is to generate a dictionary of cities of this type: {city: {'distance': '443 mi', 'duration': '9 hours 0 mins'}} ... e The problem is that now I don't understand how to write a generator that will iterate QuerySet excluding the last element.

How to make a new Google maps design for your website?

It seems like Google recently updated the design of the maps. Now the colors are flatter, the material is better. Icons and fonts have also changed. Here is an example of screenshots

Android Google Map v2 draw a route

I have a Google Map fragment: <fragment xmlns:android="" xmlns:tool ... ng, 16); mMap.animateCamera(cameraUpdate); } You need to show the route to the specified coordinates, as in the photo:

Change the location of MyLocationButton in GoogleMaps

How do I move the Мое местоположение button from the standard location to ActionBar to GoogleMaps v2?

How do I get the name of a city from the width and longitude?

Got the latitude and longitude (navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition). Can I get the name of the city? if(navigator.geol ... ) then I insert this data into a request to the yandex api 3) got the city (just how to get it out?) By IP is not an option.

Placemark coordinates from Google Maps

Hello. Is it possible to somehow use the Google Maps Api to get the coordinates into the form? For example, I have a frame wi ... ms)); foreach ($str->routes[0]->legs[0]->steps as $item) { $item->end_location->lng; // узнаем lng }