
Converting the longitude & latitude coordinates to a KLADR address

You need to use the GPS coordinates (latitude and longitude) to determine the city and the KLADR code, respectively. Sim ... rdinates? Or the only option is to search by line after determining the city by coordinates, via the Google API, for example?

How to put some points on Yandex or Google maps (with coordinates)?

There are in the coordinates of the points-latitude-longitude. How do I create a link so that all points in Google maps or Ya ... how possible, but I have failed with the label,30.39540 (source)

How do I remove street names from the Google maps API?

The Google map API has a styles property where an array with property objects is passed. Is there a property that removes street names from the map? help me find it.

Coordinates of the regions of the Russian Federation

I noticed a very necessary thing in Google - it knows the coordinates of the borders of almost all regions/cities of the Russ ... desire) to parse the pictures. Tell me, is there a public directory of polygons of regions-cities of the Russian Federation?

How to calculate the distance from one address to another

The customer wants to make a calculator like this on the site: Choose a city, enter 2 addresses and the calculator calculates the mileage. How can this be implemented?And is it even real?