
How to find the image (coordinates) of an object in Google Street View

For example, I have a photo of an object in the city N, I want to find the location of this object in the Google Street View ... the streets through Google Street View in search, but how to do it quickly? To eventually find the coordinates of this place?

Concept of blocking directories in robots.txt [closed]

closed . This question needs details or to be clearer and is not currently accepting answers. ... ted) to lock these files/folders of content processing(backend) in robots, leaving only images available, css and index.php?

Google Images api

Community, I am having problems using the Google Search api (images), where it does not return me the possible results, for e ... have even that by these terms (. com and. br....) or have any generic terms? for I tested leaving empty and nothing returned.

Insert Google search script in the search bar I did

I use my search bar on my website and I will use the google Search System, Only I did not necessarily want to use the bar tha ... t; </div> </form> </div> </div> <gcse:search></gcse:search>