
the goto operator doesn't work as it should in C

I don't understand what the problem is: goto refuses to work, type error: Error: Expected an expression start:printf("В ... ode(path()):point==5?exit(1):goto start; //если вставить сюда после тернарного оператора: goto start; - то все отрабатывает

Why are const and goto not used in java?

Let's talk about two reserved but unused Java keywords - const and goto. Why aren't they used? As I understand it, const can be replaced with public static final, but what about goto?

Why is the use of GOTO considered bad?

Some languages, such as C, still have the statement goto. I've always heard that using it is not good practice. I would like ... goto and what problems are caused by its use? goto does it still exist for compatibility, or for very restricted use cases?

Correct use of "goto" with " if else"

I have a doubt about the correct use of "goto", I made a small example that illustrates my doubt: <?php $valor01=10; ... isfied? As it stands the result is as follows: valor01 é maior que valor02 valor02 é maior que valor01 Is this possible?