
The apk file doesn't install on android

I built the application and transferred the file app-debug.apk to the device. When trying to install this file, it writes: ... tImplementation 'androidx.test.ext:junit:1.1.1' androidTestImplementation 'androidx.test.espresso:espresso-core:3.2.0' }

org.hibernate.AnnotationException: @OneToOne or @ManyToOne

It seems to have added @OneToMany and @ManyToOne to the link code, but for some reason it gives an error when running Spring- ... ~[spring-beans-5.2.4.RELEASE.jar:5.2.4.RELEASE] ... 16 common frames omitted

Where does gradle go for org. springframework. boot

When loading the project, the message Plugin [id: 'org.springframework.boot', version: '2.2.2.RELEASE'] was not found ... BUILD FAILED in 1s 28 01 2020: Launched from the project folder bootrun 29 01 2020 Launched gradlew bootrun. Result:

The jar is missing a file that is generated by the gradle task.

Hello everyone. The main project consists of n number of modules. in one of the modules , I need to add a file to the build d ... le dependencies { compile module(':moduleA') } Gradle version - 6.2.2 What could be the reason for this and how to fix it?

I can't connect Realm in Android studio (kotlin)

I can't connect Realm, I do everything according to the official documentation. Here is a part of my gradle: buildscript { ex ... tory providing the artifact, see the documentation at

How to build an APK with x64 support

An error occurred when publishing the app in Google Play: Mistake This release does not meet the Google Play requiremen ... w$GLThread.guardedRun( at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$

Could not find or load main class while opening.JAR using CMD | Gradle | Intellij-idea

I have been suffering for more than one day. Somewhere there is a small small error and because of it, nothing is obtained... ... : no main manifest attribute. Build Gradle: MANIFEST.MF: .JAR opened with archive: Built the artifact this way:

Detect IDE environment with Gradle (Intellij Idea or Android Studio)

Good afternoon. I want to get the path to the executable of the process from which Gradle was launched. For this I have two G ... al [C: \ Program Files \ Android \ Android Studio \ bin \ studio64.exe] And vice versa, it works too. Why is this happening?

Error: Invalid or corrupt jarfile

There is a gradle project. I put it together in an artifact, in the properties I specified that this is a file to run, but wh ... lid or corrupt jarfile unnamed.jar. What am I doing wrong? MANIFEST.MF Manifest-Version: 1.0 Main-Class: Frames.MainForm

What does the word SNAPSHOT mean in the library version?

Very often, when connecting libraries, you can find the word SNAPSHOT after the version number. Example: compile 'com.michaelpardo:activeandroid:3.1.0-SNAPSHOT' What does it mean?

Gradle update in Android Studio

Hello! I have such a problem when I go to File - >Project Structure - >Project there is Gradle Version 2.10, but when I ... In build.gradle is spelled out by classpath ' com. android.'. How do I update the Gradle version?

How to connect ADB WIFI in Android Studio?

I downloaded the ADB WIFI plugin to run the app via WIFI. When you click on Tools, ADB to WIFI nothing happens. How do I connect it?

Gradle sync failed

Help, please!!! Every time I run Intelij IDEA knocks out the same error: Gradle sync failed: Failed to find target with h ... Data\Local\Android\Sdk Consult IDE log for more details (Help | Show Log) Also highlights the code in red...

Configuring and integrating Jenkins and Gradle from scratch

There are a lot of tutorials, but each covers only a part of the process, I can't find a simple and understandable one for a ... that shows the simplified development process (changing, writing tests, commits) of a java application with jenkins running.

How to properly obfuscate code using ProGuard?

I decided to make an obfuscation of the code of my Android project. I read on the Internet that you can protect the applicati ... asses and methods? Maybe there are some other obfuscators that cope with the task better than ProGuard? Thanks for the reply.

How do I update the Android Gradle Plugin?

How do I update the Android Gradle plugin? Error:Gradle 2.4 requires Android Gradle plugin 1.2.0 (or newer) but project ... gin 1.2.0 or newer. I try it manually in dependencies change the version from 1.1.3 to 1.2.0. and sync - does not work.

Error:CreateProcess error=193, %1 is not a Win32 application

I updated AndroidStudio to 2.2, now it gives me this error when building the project: Gradle 'rcp_as' project refresh failed ... nished in 0 s. 2016-09-30 11:15:43,796 [ 392218] INFO - #com.jetbrains.cidr.lang - Saving symbols finished in 0 s.

Error "Could not determine Java version..." Intelij Idea

I installed java10 and Intelij Idea a long time ago, everything worked fine. One day, when opening Intelij Idea, an error app ... he error has not disappeared. In the settings, I checked - the Gradle version is the one that you need. Tell me what to do?

When trying to compile a game for android, there is a problem:CommandInvokationFailure: Gradle build failed

I can't understand what the error occurs when compiling the game for android. I opened the studio via android, there is no er ... signingConfig signingConfigs.debug } } packagingOptions { doNotStrip '*/x86/*.so' } }

Get the GIT BRANCH variable in the Android - Gradle - Jenkins bundle

When performing a gradle task to build an Android app, I need to know which branch is being built from. To do this, I'm in ... ranch } Question: dear colleagues, how to get the name of the Git branch on Jenkins correctly, using gradle tasks for this?