
C-Stack Smashing Detected - how to properly initialize a graph by adjacency list and insert edges?

I am receiving, sporadically and without having made any changes to the code or input, an error called Stack Smashing Detecte ... g1); insereAresta(3, 5, 1, &g1); insereAresta(4, 5, 1, &g1); */ printf("Compilou carajo!\n"); return 0; }

Eliminate cycles in graph by removing fewer vertices

I would like to know if anyone knows if it is possible to eliminate all cycles of an undirected graph (n vertices) without weights, by removing the fewest vertices, in time O (n2) ? Note: the graph can be complete, at worst.

Graph possible paths python

I have a dictionary, where the key is a vertex and the value is a list of vertices adjacent to the vertex (key). dic = {'A': ... v != v2: percorrer(v,v2,dicVertices) lista.append(v) matriz.append(lista) return matriz

How do I find smallest loop of an undirected graph?

I can find a loop in an undirected graph. But I can't think of a way to list the vertices of each cycle, nor find the smallest cycle. How do I do that?

Doubt in the implementation of In-Depth Graph Search

I'm studying for an algorithm test and ended up finding some problems implementing DFS(Depht-first Search/deep search) using ... n "" + valor; } public void pai() { System.out.println("O pai de " + valor + " é: " + pai); } }