
Hamiltonian cycle taking too long

I have to find out if there is Hamiltonian cycle in a giant graph (1000 vertices in the smallest instance and 5000 vertices i ... Follows the link of a small matrix N = 18 that does not contain a Hamiltonian cycle:

How to identify an invalid graph for machine operator allocation problem?

I was recently answering a question ( machine scaling-Graph Theory ), but there was an open problem that I could not solve: ... id exactly with this question of giving the intersections determine whether or not it is valid on the mathematics exchange

What are the appropriate scenarios for graph-based databases

Lately I have been studying the graph-based database Neo4j. Considering that the vast majority of current applications use t ... be the main pros and cons? in the National (Brazilian) scenario, there is adherence of this type of database in production?

Graph using python - igraph with attributes per node and edges

Speak up! I'm trying to create a graph using the Python-igraph library. Each node would have an attribute, for example, in a ... ", "prefacio3"] Now how to put the link ente they know that it uses but the Igraph website is somewhat vague about it.

Graph Search to solve euler's theorem

Hello, I would like a help to do a search on a graph and check if it satisfies euler's theorem. The theorem says: " a connec ... check as much as possible each of my neighbors in the graph. In what other ways can I optimize this my solution suggestion?

What is a graph-based database?

I did not find on this site the answer to this question. So my question is basically this: What is a graph-based database?

Problem to insert a graph

I'm trying to insert vertices and bindings into a graph, but it only works when the graph has even number of edges. The sour ... mais necessário na minha lista free(atual); //retorno minha nova lista de elementos return q; } int main(){ }

Prim and Kruskal algorithm

The two algorithms serve to generate a minimum generating Tree of a graph. No Prime generates a single tree througho ... e for distinct problems (not be related to the same problem). One solves the shortest path while the other generates an AGM.

Difference in the application of Dijkstra and Prim algorithms

What is the basic difference in the field of application of dijsktra and Prim algorithms? What problems does one of them solv ... ts of a city, and the distance between these sights is known. What would be the best algorithm to solve this type of problem?

What is minimum generating tree?

I have an exercise to solve and the teacher told me it was enough to use this method to solve. What is minimum generating tree and how can I use it in practice?

Search in width and depth in a graph [closed]

closed . This question needs details or to be clearer and is not currently accepting answers. ... i++) { visitas[i] = 0; } } public void profundidade(int x){ profundidade[x]++; } }

Dijkstra algorithm

I'm trying to implement a maze, where you need to find a better way to get to the exit (without facing the wall). The maze ha ... t the Dijkstra class in this maze context, where I just need to go from input to output(without going through the dead ends)?

How to associate objects to the vertices of a graph?

I am studying about graph theory, more specifically about the vertices which are units that represent a given node of a grap ... erefore, I would like my question below to be answered. Question How could I associate objects to the vertices of the graph?

Check if the graph is connected

Can anyone tell me how can I implement a method that checks me if an undirected graph is connected, and if it is not, return ... edList<Estacao> aux = GraphAlgorithms.BreadthFirstSearch(mapaEstacoes, v); css.add(aux); } } }

How is the basic operation of the A*algorithm?

I am Reading about the A* search algorithm to be able to implement it in the future. I know it is used to find a path in a g ... raph? is there any mathematical formula used in this algorithm? If yes, Which one? What kind of data structure does it use?

What software to use to generate an image of a giant graph?

I have a program in c++, made with the representation of graphs with adjacency list, however, there are more than 2 million n ... any software that has a text format, that I can generate from my program, and import into that software to generate an image?

What is an adjacency matrix?

Whenever I read something about graph theory I run into a term called adjacency matrix, it seems to me that this is strongl ... me kind of data structure? what kind of relationship does it have with graph theory? is there some math behind this Matrix?

Depth search with Prolog - how to limit depth?

I am implementing an in-depth Graph Search in Prolog, I already have the following: %arestas: edge(c4,b4). edge(b4,b3). ed ... he SWI-Prolog is running and does not end. Thus, I believe that I need to limit the depth of the search... how can I do that?

What is Width First and Depth First?

When we are dealing with trees and graphs we find these terms. What do they mean and why are they important in the use of data structures of these types and algorithms that manipulate them? What do I gain or lose when one or the other occurs?

Do I need to fix my graph class in Python to simulate a dictionary

Hello, I am trying to fix my graph class to use as a dictionary further, but from what I understand it is only accessing the ... antes #grafod = {0:{4:50,6:30,3:20},1:{8:20},2:{8:10},3:{5:20,8:20},4:{7:10,8:20},5:{2:50},6:{3:40,4:20},7:{1:30},8:{6:10}}