
Java Graphics

Good day, hashkodovtsy! I don't even know how to start the question, in general, my code doesn't work with Java Graphics. No ... aint(Graphics g){ g=(Graphics2D)g; g.setColor(Color.BLACK); g.drawLine(20, 20, 360, 20); } }

Working with images in c++

Suggest libraries for working with images (applying effects ala instagram, correction) in C++

Java does not fire repaint()

Good afternoon. There is an image, and the methods paintComponent (Graphics g) and repaint (). So: the image is drawn only if ... age(ship,500, 500, this); } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { repaint(); } }

Deleting an Item in QGraphicsScene C++

The question is this-initialized QGraphicsEllipseItem *ellipse and marked it with QGraphicsScene, how would it be correct to remove this ellipse from the scene?

Working with icons in Android Studio

How can I make 5 icons for all the DPI of the screen from one icon? For example, I drew some element for the project in the m ... ke this element the rest of the resolution for all screens? Or maybe a plugin of some kind, if there are no standard methods.

C# DrawEllipse defining coordinates

By drawing 2 ellipses Pen myPen = new Pen(Color.Black, 2); Graphics g = e.Graphics; g.DrawEllipse(myPen, 150, 70, 300, 300) ... . I tried to take the value of x and y by pressing int x = e.X; int y = e.Y; But I don't understand what condition to use

The balls are repelled from the walls and each other

Need help with a program where several balls push off the walls and hit each other. Here is the code where one ball flies ar ... shar; end; end. I can't figure out how to add more balls and make them repel each other. I will be grateful for any help!

Why is the draw call expensive?

There are a lot of ways to optimize the number of rendering calls. For example, it can be a batching or a texture atlas. It i ... ng possible to the GPU at a time than to send it in pieces. But why? Will the final amount of work required change from this?

Drawing rectangles and saving the resulting image to a file

Code public class Shape { public int X { get; set; } public int Y { get; set; } public int Width { get; set; } ... from the toolkit .NET to use? I'm not I did a little digging in the System.Drawing namespace, but I couldn't get my bearings.

Ggplot2 boxplot giving error (does not make boxes, only a few points with some risks), how to fix? Note: I made other graphics and it worked out, only this one packed

boxef <- ggplot (effectsize, aes(subordemfam, varbiom.efs, colour = classe2)) boxef + geom_point() + geom_boxplot() + ... the effect size values on the vertical axis. My dataframe is correct, having been successfully used in making other charts.

How to place the Y-axis value next to the chart marker?

Hello, I would like to see the Y-axis values also appear next to the points of the graph. I appreciate it now! plt.figure(f ... d') plt.yscale('log') #coloca o eixo y em escala logaritmica The current result is the following graph:

How to set the tangent function in python?

I would like someone to help me define the tangent function using python with constraints at points where the function does not exist(pi/2 + k*pi(integer k). Thank you in advance.

Animated Graphics-R

Hello, I need to make an animated chart that shows the first 10 states. I'm trying, but it's showing the first 14 and it's n ... 8605", "861120", "910120", "911125", "911130", "911135" ) But I have 30 different UF, 7 different year and 8 different CBO

How to make a graph from a python dictionary

I'm wanting to make a graph in python by pulling information from a dictionary. In my case is as follows, I have a start and ... lt.xlabel('Ano') plt.grid(True) Here's an image of my database, I'm picking up his information there: