
Dynamically adding buttons to the Grid StackPanel

Tell me how to add buttons to the Grid of the StackPanel element Grid. My code: <StackPanel Grid.Row="2" Width="350" Heig ... number of buttons is different, and the parameters HorizontalAlignment and Margin change depending on the number of buttons.

Bootstrap 4 grid, column layout col md offset, and more

Hello everyone, this is my first question on stukoverflow, and so, I'm learning layout using bootstrap 4, and it uses grid te ... ks. Ps I have a good mood today, please, people with a bad mood/sense of humor, do not pay attention to the humorous subtext.

Grid on Bootstrap 4

How do I do this with bootstrap 4?Everything moves out, it doesn't work.It is not always possible to set the width and heig ... ght: 80px; margin-left: 10px; margin-top: 5px; padding: 0px; width: 100px; } .grey_block{ width: 50px; }

gallery on grid css

There is a gallery made on css grid .gall{ display: grid; grid-column-gap: 8px; grid-row-gap: 8px; grid-template-colu ... ifferent sizes and the same view can not lead to the shop... how to remove the circled space. you can also use js. thank you!

Grid Layout in Sass

Good day to all! Tell me how to apply the Grid rule to all child elements in Sass .grid * { grid-column: md; }

Responsive Menu with grid layout

I'm learning grid and responsive layout and don't know the best way that I could create a "hamburger menu" with it. So far I ... ow how to put the menu in the space that's left here is the exercise link: Https:// / Can you help?

Bootstrap 3 / height of columns in Grid System

Good Morning! I'm new here on the forum and I'm developing a page using bootstrap 3 and I have a question about the Grid Sys ... iv> </div> Is there a way for the columns to be the same height, or not to leave this space all empty? Thank you

Bootstrap Grid does not work!

I am developing a website and the Bootstrap grid is not working... the MD and SM are working properly, but when I test the re ... w bounceInRight'><img src="img/parceiros/6.png" alt="" class="img-fluid"></div> </div>

What is the difference between col-lg -*, col-md-* and col-sm - * in Bootstrap?

It's been a long time that I use Bootstrap i've worked with almost all versions. Normally to structure my applications I use ... l-md-* e col-sm-* under what circumstances should in case of inappropriate use of this element what problems may arise ?

Implementing grid Bootstrap 4 and SideNav

Hello, friends. I'm doing a little project and I'm having difficulty using grid and sidenav bootstrap, I want to make a side ... script src="/js/popper.min.js"></script> <script src="/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> </body>

How to fit a grid in HTML

Oi! I'm having trouble assembling a grid with two images + HTML text (it's for a blog post, so I need it to be HTML same). I ... ste texto fique ao lado da imagem da estrada, com a imagem da frase acima dele. </td>  </tr>  </table>

What's the difference and when to use Flexbox or CSS Grid?

First we had the Flexbox as a new solution for building and responsive layouts. More precisely in the part of grids. Now rec ... When should I use 1 instead of the other ? For building grids for responsive layouts, which one should I choose ? Thank you

Bootstrap - col-xs-X grid system does not recognize width

I am studying bootstrap, and when formulating the GRID system the col recognizes the values LG, MD, SM, but does not recogniz ... n forms as you can see, all right, except in col XS. (I did not print the LG because I did not have space in the same print)

FlexBox + CSS GRID

Guys I would like to know if there is any possibility to use CSSGrid with FlexBox. display:grid; display:flex; I speak to ... same project, if not, which one would I recommend to use? You can give an example of how to use the two together if you want.

How to remove the space between two divs?

I have searched here for SOF but the problems that appeared did not resemble mine, so I would like to know what I did wrong h ... <script type="text/javascript" src="js.js"></script> </body> </html>

CSS unwanted whitespace

I'm making an outdoor activity booking website and I'm having a CSS issue. In my document always appears a blank part below ... age has 100vh. And I would like to know how I do the comment zone with scroll, because when I tried it, it bugged a little.

Unwanted white space bringing the horizontal scroll bar to life when you zoom out

When resizing the screen, there comes a time that a blank space is being generated in the corner of the screen, so starting t ... 1 class="landing-text">WaifuLounge</h1> </header> </section> </body> </html>

Grid System BootStrap

I'm riding this Grid Bootstrap, but in the last row, it looks like the image gives a margin of the grid itself and gets misa ... mus munrá</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>

How does grid system work?

I am using Bootstrap in a project, but so far I have not understood how the structure of the same works. It uses grids but t ... that all CSS frameworks use grids, and I would like an explanation of how they work and how to use them to assemble a layout.

Grid 960 smaller than screen

I'm starting to use the system grid css however I am having some issues related to screen size, please correct me if I ... t; <footer class="grid_16"> <h1>footer</h1> </footer> </div>