
Gulp Watch, SASS not Le change

My GULP: var gulp = require('gulp'), sass = require('gulp-ruby-sass'), imagemin = require('gulp-ima ... ['sass']); }); When I run, everything works, but SASS does not detect changes. index.html works. What can be wrong?

Condition to ignore files".min.js"

I have the following task in my gulpfile.js renaming files .js for .min.js : gulp.task('js', function () { return gulp ... ripts.dest)); }); However, I need somehow to ignore the Rename of files that are already".min.js'. Any idea how to do this?

'Gulp' does not run through 'Git Bash'

I'm trying to run my tasks in Gulp through Git Bash, but when I give the command gulp to run it brings me the following messa ... can execute using the yarn run gulp Command. Does anyone know how to tell me why he doesn't run using the gulp command only?