
How does deflate differ from gzip?

Tell me, how does deflate differ from gzip? And can I enable gzip and deflate compression simultaneously on the site? And is it necessary?

Deflate Compression(GZIP)

The information is available in bits and pieces, and the question is big. Since I'm not good at English - http://www.zlib.org ... d decompress blocks with GZipStream - I don't need to trim the wrapper (bytes on both sides), will GZipStream do it for me?

How to convert a tar archive.gz to tar.bz2 format?

There is an archive in the form of tar.gz, and it needs to be fed to a program that requires the tar.bz2 format as input. How do I perform the conversion in a *nix-like environment?

Enabling mod deflate on Apache 2.4.18

In the index.php itself, I enable compression via ob_start("ob_gzhandler"); On the hoster's server, I checked everything work ... text/text text/html text/plain text/xml text/css text/javascript application/javascript application/x-php </IfModule>

How are zlib, gzip, and zip related? What do they have in common and what are their differences?

The compression algorithm used in zlib is almost the same as in gzip and zip. How do they differ?

How to call file in compressed HTML with GZ?

I'm starting to use gzip, I compressed a JS file but when I call it in HTML, da error in console. NO HTML <script sr ... n.js.gz/main.js"></script> In the folder is as follows: The console does not recognize the functions of the file.

Unzip file.gz with Python

I'm using the code below that I picked up at this address . But I am not able to unpack files .gz. I've tried the tarfile l ... zfile.extractall() print("OK: {}".format(zipurl)) except: print('ERRO: {}'.format(zipurl)) print("="*5)

Server cannot attach a header after HTTP headers have been sent

Good Morning, I have the following code that I use to compress the controllers using GZip. I log in to the system normally ... normally, but I wanted to avoid putting an empty try / catch because it is not recommended or beautiful. Can anyone help me?