
Hashing and encryption algorithms

I'm doing some work on the difference between Hash and encryption. For me it is easier to talk about Hash and cite examples ... programmer, but I always end up finding only hashes and none of encryption in fact. Can anyone cite examples of encryption?

How to calculate hash?

How do I calculate the hash of a torrent file with PHP? I already used the Class BEncoded and it worked, but I wanted to know how it works.

How does bcrypt work?

I did not understand very well the operation of salt of bcrypt , in javascript code (node): const bcrypt = require('bcrypt' ... ated salt, how then bcrypt makes this comparison, since the value of salt will interfere with the final hash of the password?

error with password verify()

Good afternoon I'm having a problem using password_verif() it is not checking correctly to log in, it is falling straight int ... = 'error'; $msgResult['msg'] = 'Email não Existe!'; return json_encode($msgResult); } }

What are the differences between implementing maps by hashes or trees?

What is the advantage of implementing maps by Table hash instead of binary tree?

Use "->" or "."on a chained list?

Good afternoon, making a hash table without collisions, I created the struct list, but when compiling the code it does not ac ... ", tabela[i][j].info); } break; case 4: return 0; } } return 0; }

How to transform source code into digital hash summary? [closed]

closed . This question needs details or to be clearer and is not currently accepting answers. ... numbers, which must be copied and pasted into the corresponding field of the electronic form [...] How do I generate this?